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Session 34: Wednesday Facilitator Debrief

60 minutes

facilitator debrief


Facilitators take time to discuss the day, both good and bad. They process gots/needs and surveys. Then take time to make a plan for the next day using the inputs from teacher feedback.


  • Reflect on the day
  • Make a plan of how to address needs of teachers at some point during the rest of the week.

Supplies & Prep


Reflection (40 minutes)

Make a Plan (20 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Reflection (40 minutes)

(15 minutes) Reflection on the Day

Teaching Tip

This will be the first time a lot of teachers have thought about the pathway of computer science in their district (especially for those who are new to teaching CS). You can use the community session as a reminder of the shared stakeholders. Since this is the halfway point, you should start to see anxiety lessen as people become more confident.

Meet with your co-facilitator(s) to debrief the day’s events.

Use Section 9 in your Facilitator Handbook as your guide to Check in on the Rapport of your Participants.

(15 minutes) Review Gots and Needs

  • Take the Gots Chart and group post-its into categories of concerns
  • Discuss: What are the key Gots you want to highlight tomorrow morning?
  • Take the Needs Chart and group post-its into categories of concerns
  • Discuss:
    • What needs will be addressed by sessions later in the week? How will you point that out to teachers in the morning?
    • What needs will not be addressed later in the week?
      • Will they be addressed during the year? Can you tell them when?
      • Do you need to address that need during this week? When?

(10 minutes) Review Survey Feedback

  • What are a couple positive things that teachers pointed out on the survey?
  • Are there any key learning objectives that scored low? What do you need to do to help teachers understand them?
  • Are there any concerns brought up on the survey?

Make a Plan (20 minutes)

(20 minutes) Make a Plan for Tomorrow

  • Review the schedule for the next day
    • What prep work do you have to do tonight (updating slides, reviewing lessons, adding resources to notes doc, etc.)
    • Who is leading during the different parts of sessions? Who is taking notes?
    • Do you need to do anything to specifically address teacher needs from today in tomorrows sessions?
  • Start preparing for tomorrow