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Session 24: Community: Getting Buy-In

60 minutes

community session | discussion-based


Bring all teachers from a region together so they can share ideas about meeting the needs of their communities


  • have thought about the CS community in my region
  • have worked in a group to develop concrete strategies for addressing a particular stakeholder group
  • have shared those concrete strategies in a repository that other participants can use
  • know where to find the notes and strategies developed by other participants

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • The schedules are set up so this sessions at the same time for CSP and CSD. If CSP and CSD cohorts are co-located for the week consider if venue allows bringing together CSP and CSD teachers. If you have to stay in two different rooms you could split half CSP and half CSD in each room so they get to know each other and can share across grades. Talk to your regional partner about what the venue can support and what will be most beneficial for your teachers.
  • If all CSP and CSD teachers from the region will be there, ask that they sit in MIXED GROUPS

Facilitator Supplies and Prep:

Teacher Materials:


Community (60 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Community (60 minutes)

(10 min) Blue sky brainstorm

  • (7 min)What would a strong CS community look like at your school
  • T-P-S (1 min - 2 min - 4 min)
    • Who would be at the table?
    • What would students be doing?
    • What would you be able to accomplish as a community?

Teaching Tip

During share out, be sure to document stakeholders in the shared notes

  • Focus share out on the population of people who should be involved. Record the list of ‘who should be at the table’ in the shared notes document, which should be projected.
  • (3 min) on share out, once people start running out of answers ask: what about your district or region? Who should be involved?
    • Add to the list in shared notes

Teaching Tip

NOTE: while participants are developing barriers examples, facilitator create list of stakeholders for next part of session. Depending on the number of people in the room, you might need to cluster similar stakeholders

(10 min) Finalize list and identify barriers:

  • (2 min) Are there any other stakeholders that we need to get on board in order to support and grow computer science in your school that we didn’t list already?

  • (7 min) With your table: consider and list the barriers that exist for getting the support that’s needed from the various groups that were identified. Document barriers for each group of stakeholders:

    • If doing as an unplugged, write on post-its while discussing
    • If doing plugged, write barriers in google doc under the stakeholders
  • (1 min) Establish groups (either by assigning a stakeholder group to each table or having people move to a table for the stakeholder they want to explore)
    • NOTE: save the ‘students’ group for the next session on recruitment

If applicable: (2 min) move to group for unconference

(15 min) Unconference to develop strategies for dealing with the group of your choice.

  • Your tasks: (you can use the teal book as a resource here)
    • Develop a brief elevator pitch that satisfies the particular needs of that group.
    • List of strategies for addressing the hang-ups noted for your group.
  • Create a poster or write up in the shared notes document. Notes can be shared on the forum under the marketing and recruitment section.

(18- 20 min) Share out and discuss

  • Each group presents strategies and posts their elevator pitch to the forum
  • If short on time, just share out elevator pitches

  • Thinking question/exit ticket: how do these groups impact your recruitment plan? (more on this tomorrow)

(1 minute) Pre-Break Reminder

End of Session Reminder: At the end of this session teachers will have a 15 minute break before starting back on TLOs.

  • Remind teachers what time to be back in the room
  • Remind the teaching group that is going next that they will need to be ready to go after break