Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5

Session 21: Tuesday Wrap Up: Instructional Strategies

30 minutes

facilitator presentation


  • Wrap up the themes of the day
  • Pulse check on teachers through gots and needs/survey


  • Be introduced to the theme for the day: Instructional Strategies. Reflect on where you saw these practices in lessons on Monday and Tuesday.
  • Take the daily survey
  • Share gots and needs for the day.

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Normal Breakout Room Set Up
  • Got and Needs Posters

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:


Instructional Strategies and Activity Types (15 minutes)

Day 2 Wrap Up (15 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Instructional Strategies and Activity Types (15 minutes)

(15 minutes) Instructional Strategies & Activity Types

  • (5 minutes)
    • Go over some of the instructional strategies that are key to the week (Lead Learner, Think Pair Share, Pair Programming) using the slides to cover the main points about each Instructional Strategies.
      • Make sure to call out that these are in no way the only instructional strategies we use in the curriculum or you should use in your classroom. They are the ones that are repeated through out the course so we call them out at a high level.
    • Go over the Activity Types (unplugged and plugged to make sure everyone knows those words)

Content Corner

Overview of Instructional Strategies is on pages 25-31 in the Curriculum Guide.

  • (10 minutes) Think-Pair: Did you see any of these strategies in the model lessons yesterday or the TLOs today?
  • Thinking prompt: How might you be able to use the Instructional Strategies in your classroom with your students? What is one new practice you want to try?

Day 2 Wrap Up (15 minutes)

(6 min) Gots and Needs

Discuss with an elbow partner: 2 things your learned today and 2 things you want to know more about. Jot down 1 got and 1 need on a post it (you’ll put these up on chart paper as you leave to room, and we’ll try to respond to them throughout the week)

(1 min) Housekeeping

Final housekeeping notes for the day.

(8 min) Survey

Fill out the survey