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2019 CS Discoveries Local Summer Workshop

This is the detailed facilitator agenda for a Local Summer Workshop, which is a 5 day in-person training to prepare teachers to start teaching CS Discoveries. It focuses on the first semester of the course.

Printing Agendas


In the Local Summer Workshop, teacher participants will …

  • Understand the curriculum
  • Transform practice
  • Develop empathy with the student experience
  • Become part of a network of teachers who are doing similar work


Provided By the Workshop Organizer (Regional Partner):

  • Room set up for table groups of 4-5 teachers, with: reliable wifi, Power Strips, Projector, and Speakers.
  • Workshop Materials: 24 Pens, 2 Easel Pads, 10 Large 3x4 Post-it Notes, 16 Medium 3x3 Post-it Notes, 12 Small 1x2 Post-it Notes, 8 sets 8-pack Markers, Blue Painter's Tape, Scissors, Journal
  • Lesson Supplies: 8 Decks of Cards Printed Activity Packet (1 per person), Printed CS Discoveries Curriculum Guide (1 per person), 2 Printed Copies of Each Lesson Plan Per Lesson Planning Group

Teachers Should Bring:

  • Computers

Preparing for the workshop

Connect with your Regional Partner

Prior to the workshop, find time to meet in person or virtually with both facilitators and the Regional Partner to discuss:

Subject Conversation Points
  • Go through the list of necessary supplies together
  • Make a plan for when different supplies will be set up/provided
Online Workshop Dashboard
  • Look at the registration. Are teachers signed up? What do you need to do to make sure all the teachers are registered?
  • Make sure facilitators are added on the workshop so you will be able to take attendance
  • Is the workshop set up to be two days in the dashboard?
  • Discuss the set up of the space
    • What does the room look like?
    • What does the table set up look like?
    • Will the space have a projector? Do we need to bring certain types of adapters?
    • Will the space have a sound system? If not how do you plan to play videos during the week?
    • Is the other course workshop co-located?
  • How do we get into the building?
  • Are there any directions about parking or locating the space?
Workshop Timeframe
  • What time are we scheduled to start with teachers each day?
  • What time are we scheduled to end with teacher each day?
  • What time can we come in to prep in the morning each day?
  • What time can we stay to debrief till in the afternoon each day?
  • What food will be provided for participants during the workshop?
  • What time will food be set up each day?
  • Is there a separate room for lunch?
    Local Flex Time
  • Is there any local material to cover during this workshop?
  • How long do you anticipate it taking to cover the material (Check that the time suggested fits within the amount of Local Flex Time for this workshop)?
    Community Sessions
  • Do you want to bring together CSP and CSD teachers for these sessions?
  • Do you have a room where you can bring everyone together at once or will you split CSP and CSD between the two rooms you have?
  • How would you divide up the facilitator responsibilities?
    Closing Ceremonies
  • Do you want to bring together CSP and CSD for closing ceremonies?
  • Where would you do this?
  • Who would run this session?
  • Will someone from your organization be on site for each day of the workshop?
  • If yes, who is the staff member and how should we contact them if needed?
  • If no, who should we contact in case something comes up during the workshop that we need your organizations support with?

Prepare for Sessions

Review Materials

On your own review the following materials so you are familiar with the details of each.

Facilitator Materials Model Lessons TLO Lessons Teacher Materials
  • Unit 1 Lesson 3
  • Unit 1 Lesson 6
  • Unit 2 Lesson 3
  • Unit 2 Lesson 4
  • Unit 2 Lesson 5
  • Unit 2 Lesson 7
  • Unit 2 Lesson 10
  • Unit 2 Lesson 12
  • Unit 3 Lesson 2
  • Unit 3 Lesson 3
  • Unit 3 Lesson 4

Create Materials For Region

Make a plan

Below is guidance for specific sessions about things you should plan for. Not every session is include below. You should of course go through every session to make a plan for how you and your co-facilitator will support each other in running the session.

Session Planning Considerations
General Considerations For All Sessions
  • Who will be at the front of the room leading the general flow of the session?
  • When will you need to be taking notes (discussions)? Who will be responsible for taking those notes?
  • Is there something specific to your region or your teachers you need to consider in preparing for the session?
  • Update the slides for the session to meet your regional context
  • Discuss: What ways do you want to use to help your group get to know each other?
  • Discuss: What are key norms for the week?
  • Decide: Who will lead different parts of this session
Overview of the Course
  • Discuss: How will you keep everyone engaged during this long facilitator presentation?
  • Go Through: Slides together and make sure they fit your local needs/have been updated.
  • Decide: Who will lead the different parts of this session. Its long so you probably want to switch it up.
Model Lessons
  • Discuss: What are the key pieces of each lesson to get across in the the model?
  • Decide: Who will teach each lesson? Who will debrief?
Lesson Planning
  • Discuss: Common challenges you expect to come up as teachers are preparing for these lessons.
  • Decide: How to divide and conquer checking in with groups as they are planning.
  • Decide: Who will debrief each TLO through out the week?
Community Sessions
  • Discuss: Will you be combining with the other course? What kind of prep does this require?
  • Discuss: What are key stakeholders specific to your region you want to make sure come up during the Wednesday discussion?

First Morning Of Workshop

Room Setup

Using the supplies provided by regional partner set up the room. In the agenda we will call this the "Normal Breakout Room Set Up".

  • Tech
    • Reliable guest wifi - check this as early as possible
    • Projector (separate table for projector)
    • Speaker System
  • 8 Teacher Tables (for 32 teachers) with:
    • 4 chairs at each table
    • Table angled toward projector screen
    • Surge protectors in middle of each table
    • 4-5 post-it note pads of different sizes
    • 3-4 Pens
  • Facilitator Table:
    • Located in the back of the room
    • 2-3 chairs at table (need chairs for lead facilitators and apprentices)

Create Posters

  • Posters up for people to add post-its to as they come in
    • Question Parking Lot - For people to put up questions they have.
    • Create a poster with the map of the State(s) in your region that everyone can put a post it on to say where they are from
    • Create a poster with graph number of years of teaching experience
    • Create a poster with graph of number of years of computer science experience (any kind)
    • Create a poster with the grades from 6th to 12th and create a bar chart of the breakdown of teachers in your room
    • Create a poster that just says random skills

Supporting Novices and Apprentice Facilitators


Novice facilitators are facilitators in training who haven’t participated in the Professional Learning Program before. They may or may not have taught the course before. The role of the novice facilitator during the week is to participate in the week as a teacher. They should engage during the day just as all the other teacher participants do.

Novice facilitators do not attend your facilitator debrief at the end of the day or the morning prep. All novices will be expected to complete novice daily reflection exercises throughout the week which will be provided in advance by The reflections are provided here linked in a document but novice facilitators will complete their questions online in their Facilitator in Development Professional Learning Course. Lead facilitators are not responsible for making sure novices complete these exercises. Novices will refer back to the reflections during their FiT Weekend.


In addition to your co-facilitator, you might have apprentice facilitator(s) in your room. All apprentice facilitators have taught the course before, and participated in the Professional Learning Program before as a teacher. They are there to observe the workshop and learn more about facilitation modalities, styles, and practices. Based on the apprentice facilitator’s level of comfort, and your level of comfort, you can choose to have them participate in a few different ways:

TLO Sessions:

  • Observe sessions alongside co-facilitator and make suggestions about what to pull out in debriefs
  • Share perspective on lessons based on what’s happened in the classroom

Lesson Planning:

  • Help monitor small group discussions and provide clarification or give advice on elements of the lesson
  • Speak to experience from the classroom

Community Sessions:

  • Share input and ideas from personal experience
  • Help monitor small group discussions and bubble up issues to pull out to the full-group

We encourage apprentices to record questions/concerns in their journal throughout the day. If leads or staff aren’t able to address their questions at the end of the day, they will be addressed in detail at the FIT Weekend later in the summer.

All apprentices are expected to complete the apprentice daily reflection exercises throughout the week which will be provided in advance by The reflections are provided here linked in a document but apprentice facilitators will complete their questions online in their Facilitator in Development Professional Learning Course. Lead facilitators are not responsible for making sure apprentices complete these exercises. Apprentices will refer back to the reflections during their FIT Weekend.


If you need to raise concerns before or during the workshop about issues that require immediate attention (internet, health issues, etc.) you should contact your regional partner.