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Session 25: Tuesday Facilitator Debrief

60 minutes

facilitator debrief


Facilitators take time to discuss the day, both good and bad. They process gots/needs and surveys. Then take time to make a plan for the next day using the inputs from teacher feedback.


  • Reflect on the day
  • Make a plan of how to address needs of teachers at some point during the rest of the week.

Supplies & Prep

Facilitator Supplies:


Reflection (40 minutes)

Make a Plan (20 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Reflection (40 minutes)

(15 minutes) Reflection on the Day

Facilitator Tip

As it is still early week the goal today is to continue to help people in “trying on” new ideas. With Instructional Strategies being the focus of the day those would be a good thing to keep reminding people to think about and explore new ones especially as lesson planning.

Meet with your co-facilitator(s) to debrief the day’s events.

Use Section 9 in your Facilitator Handbook as your guide to check in on the rapport of your participants.

(15 minutes) Review Gots and Needs

  • Take the Gots Chart and group post-its into categories of concerns
  • Discuss: What are the key Gots you want to highlight tomorrow morning?
  • Take the Needs Chart and group post-its into categories of concerns
  • Discuss:
    • What needs will be addressed by sessions later in the week? How will you point that out to teachers in the morning?
    • What needs will not be addressed later in the week?
      • Will they be addressed during the year? Can you tell them when?
      • Do you need to address that need during this week? When?

(10 minutes) Review Survey Feedback

  • What are a couple positive things that teachers pointed out on the survey?
  • Are there any key learning objectives that scored low? What do you need to do to help teachers understand them?
  • Are there any concerns brought up on the survey?

Make a Plan (20 minutes)

(20 minutes) Make a Plan for Tomorrow

  • Review the schedule for the next day
    • What prep work do you have to do tonight (updating slides, reviewing lessons, adding resources to the shared slides, etc.)
    • Who is leading during the different parts of sessions? Who is taking notes?
    • Do you need to do anything to specifically address teacher needs from today in tomorrows sessions?
  • Start preparing for tomorrow