var sprite = createSprite()


Creates a new sprite and assigns it to the variable specified.

Sprites are used to make complex and interesting animations and games. A sprite is able to store images or animations with a set of properties such as position and visibility. Sprites also have properties to report interactions with other sprites or the mouse.


var sprite = createSprite();

Red Stripe

A later sprite overwrites and earlier sprite.

// A later sprite overwrites an earlier sprite.
var sprite1 = createSprite(200,200,100,100);
var sprite2 = createSprite(200,200,50,100);

Make Some Stickers

Using 26 different images for stickers, use randomNumber to pick twenty different stickers randomly, and use randomNumber again to pick random places for each sticker.

                            // Use 10 different images for stickers, and randomNumber to place the stickers
var count = 0;

function draw() {
  count = count + 1;
  if (count < 20) {
    var sprite = createSprite(200, 200);
    sprite.setAnimation("sticker" + randomNumber(1,10));
    sprite.x = randomNumber(40, 360);
    sprite.y = randomNumber(40, 360);



var sprite = createSprite(x, y, width, height)


x Number The x-location in pixels of the center of the sprite from left to right on the display. Default x value is 0. Should be a number from 0 to 400, but negative numbers will center the sprite to the left of the display and numbers greater than 400 will center the sprite to the right of the display (possibly unseen).
y Number The y-location in pixels of the center of the sprite from top to bottom on the display. Default y value is 0. Should be a number from 0 to 400, but negative numbers will center the sprite above the display and numbers greater than 400 will start the sprite below the display (possibly unseen).
width Number The horizontal width in pixels of the default sprite shape, a rectangle. Default width is 100. Should be a positive number.
height Number The vertical height in pixels of the default sprite shape, a rectangle. Default height is 100. Should be a positive number.


Returns the sprite and assigns it to the variable specified.


  • Sprites that are created later are displayed in front of sprites created earlier, unless the depth property is changed.
  • Change the image displayed for the sprite from the default rectangle using the setAnimation command. All images must be first loaded and given a label using the Animation tab above the display window in Game Lab.
  • Sprites all have the same properties and you use the dot notation (combining the name of the sprite, followed by a dot, with the label of the property) to both access and update the property for that sprite.
  • If you attempt to set a sprite property to an incorrect value the property reverts to its default value.

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