
Category:Game Lab

Writes a description of some code.

// Comments are used document your code so it is easier for humans to understand. You should include a comment at the start of each function to explain what the function does, if it takes any arguments, and if it returns any values. It is also a good idea to comment any complex blocks of code so you, or another programmer, can more easily maintain or modify the code in the future.


Example with Comments

Call functions to generate two die rolls and sum the result. Display the value on the console.

// Call functions to generate two die rolls and sum the result. Display the value on the console.
console.log(rollDie() + rollDie());

function rollDie() { 
// Define a function that uses randomNumber(1,6) to randomly generate a die roll, 1 to 6, and return the value.
  var roll = randomNumber(1,6);
  return roll;


// Comment


Comments are ignored by the computer.


  • You can comment out a block of statements using /* before the first statement and */ after the last statement.

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