World's Tallest Mountains

Description: Data about the top ~100 tallest mountains in the world.



  • Rank (numerical): What rank the mountain falls into in terms of tallest mountains (Rank 1 = tallest mountain in the world)
  • Mountain name (string): Name of the mountain
  • Height in m (numerical): Height of the mountain measures in meters
  • Height in ft (numerical): Height of the mountain measures in feet
  • Prominence in m (numerical): Height of the mountain measures as measured starting above sea level
  • Range (string): what mountain range in the world that mountain is a part of
  • Coordinates (string): latitude and longitudinal coordinates of that mountain
  • Parent mountain (string): name of the larger mountain peak that mountain is a sub-mountain of
  • First ascent (string): what year the first human reached the top of that mountain
  • Ascents (& failed attempts) as of 2004 (string): How many people have reached the top of that mountain, and in parentheses, how many people have tried but failed to reach the top
  • Country (string): what country or countries in the world that mountain resides in

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