US Household Income

Description: Data about average and median incomes of US homeowners with characteristic breakdown, per 2017-2018



  • Characteristic of homeowner (string): demographic for a given homeowners, such as 15 to 24 years old, or Married couple
  • 2017 Average Income (numerical): average income of a given demographic of homeowners in 2017, in USD
  • 2017 Median Income (numerical): median income of a given demographic of homeowners in 2017, in USD
  • 2018 Average Income (numerical): average income of a given demographic of homeowners in 2018, in USD
  • 2018 Median Income (numerical): median income of a given demographic of homeowners in 2018, in USD
  • Percent change in real median income (numerical): positive or negative difference amount, in percentage between 2017-2018

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