US Congressional Members

Description: all US congressional members from 2001-2017

Source(most of the data), Source (racial demographic and party data), and Source(pictures)

Processing: downloaded house of representative and senate datasets from, combined these 2 datasets, trimmed the dataset to only include data from 2001-2017, imported party and demographic data from and pictures from to the dataset


  • Last Name (string): last name of the congressional member
  • First Name (string): first name of the congressional member
  • Congress number (numerical): number of the congress
  • Year at start of Congress (numerical): year at the beginning of the congressional term
  • State Code (string): state code of the congressional member
  • Congressional District (numerical): number of the member’s congressional district, if the congressional member is a senator the congressional district is 0, representing state-wide district
  • Party (string): political party affiliation of the congressional member
  • Year First Elected (numerical): year that the member was first elected to congress, if the member was appointed to fill a vacant seat the year first elected is 0, representing "appointed"
  • Gender (string): gender of the congressional member
  • Size of House Delegation (numerical): number of representatives from that state
  • Race (string): racial demographics of the congressional member
  • Total bills Sponsored (numerical): number of bills sponsored by the congressional member
  • Total bills with Action in Committee (numerical): number of bills that the member sponsored that had action in committee, there are three types of action for a bill in committee: the bill can be released with a recommendation to pass it, the bill can be amended and the released, or the bill can be tabled
  • Total bills with Action beyond Committee (numerical): number of bills that the member sponsored that made it out of committee to the whole chamber
  • Total bills passed Chamber (numerical): number of bills that the member sponsored that passed their chamber of congress (either the House of Representative or the Senate)
  • Total bills became law (numerical): number of bills that the member sponsored that became law
  • Picture (string): official congressional picture for each member

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