Daily Weather

Description: 5 day weather forecast for 100 US cities, updates daily with the next 5 days worth of forecast information.

Source: Open Weather

Processing: created original .csv from an API call from openweathermap.org


  • State (string): name of the state for the weather forecast
  • City (string): name of the city for the weather forecast
  • Forecast Number (numerical): for each city there are 5 days worth of forecasts reported, each forecast receives a number 1-5, the lowest date is 1 and the highest date is 5
  • Date (string): data for the weather forecast
  • Main Condition (string): main weather forecast for that day
  • Condition Description (string): description of the main weather condition
  • Icon (string): image of the main weather condition
  • Low Temperature (numerical): predicted low temperature for that day in degrees Fahrenheit
  • High Temperature (numerical): predicted high temperature for that day in degrees Fahrenheit
  • Humidity Percentage (numerical): predicted percent of humidity in the air for that day
  • Wind MPH (numerical): predicted wind speed in miles per hour for that day
  • Wind Direction (string): main direction from where the wind is blowing for that day
  • Rain Inches (numerical): predicted number of inches of rain for that day
  • Snow Inches (numerical): predicted number of inches of snow for that day
  • Pressure (numerical): atmospheric pressure in hectopascal pressure units (hPa)
  • Cloud Percent (numerical): predicted percent of cloud coverage for that day
  • UTC Timestamp (numerical): number of seconds since January 1, 1970 at midnight
  • Timezone Offset (numerical): shift in seconds from the coordinated universal time

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