
Description: information about major rollercoasters around the world


Processing: downloaded .csv from the first source and removed some columns


  • Rollercoaster Name (string): name of the rollercoaster
  • Amusement Park (string): name of the amusement park where the rollercoaster is located
  • City (string): name of the city where the rollercoaster is located
  • Country (string): name of the country where the rollercoaster is located
  • Region (string): name of the continent/region where the rollercoaster is located
  • Construction Material (string): main construction material of the rollercoaster
  • Height (numerical): height of the rollercoaster in meters
  • Speed (numerical): speed of the rollercoaster in kilometers per hour
  • Length (numerical): length of the rollercoaster in meters
  • Inversion (string): whether a rollercoaster has any inversion (where the rollercoaster turns completely upside)
  • Number of Inversions (numerical): number of times that rollercoaster turns upside down
  • Year Opened (numerical): year that the rollercoaster opened to the public

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