Cereal Nutrition

Description: cereal nutrition facts of the top selling cereals

Source (data): Kaggle

Processing: renamed some columns for clarity


  • Name (string): name of cereal
  • Calories (numerical): amount in grams (g) of calories in one serving of cereal
  • Protein (numerical): amount in grams (g) of protein in one serving of cereal
  • Fat (numerical): amount in grams (g) of fat in one serving of cereal
  • Sodium (numerical): amount in grams (g) of sodium in one serving of cereal
  • Fiber (numerical): amount in grams (g) of fiber in one serving of cereal
  • Carbs (numerical): amount in grams (g) of carbs in one serving of cereal
  • Sugars (numerical): amount in grams (g) of sugars in one serving of cereal
  • Cups Per Serving (numerical): amount of cups of cereal that comprise one serving, as prescribed on the box by the cereal manufacturer
  • Box Image (string): image of each cereal box

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