Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5

Session 14: Introduction to Module 2

13 minutes

facilitator presentation


Reflect on the Gots and Needs and introduce the themes of the module/day.


  • Participants are oriented to the day
  • Participants use a shared definition for equity and inclusion in the context of CS education

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Full Cohort

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:


Welcome and Housekeeping (6 minutes)

Overview of the Module (5 minutes)

Engagement Activity (2 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Welcome and Housekeeping (6 minutes)

Producer Tip

As people join, welcome them. If possible, test their audio/video quickly just by having them say “hi.” Enter links to attendance and the day’s slides in the chat frequently as people join so they can complete the activity.

Producer Tip

Verify that you have the TLO information from the groups presenting today. If you have any questions or did not receive the information, make sure you get the information during the first break

(0 minutes) Attendance

  • Have everyone complete the attendance for the day
    • There will be a specific link for the day at your workshop
    • Check that everyone is marked as present in the online workshop dashboard

Facilitator Tip

Prepare for Gots and Needs ahead of time by using color highlighting to identify patterns, including common tech issues, that you want to point out to participants. During this task, pull up the results from the previous module and share your screen.

(6 minutes) Welcome

  • Overview of the module/day
  • Review Gots and Needs from previous day
    • When will needs be addressed
  • Clear up any concerns from previous asynchronous period
    • Make sure all teachers were able to join the section.

Overview of the Module (5 minutes)

(5 minutes) Context Setting


Today we are going to dig into the CS Discoveries curriculum, and learn about instructional strategies that support equitable CS classrooms and help all students feel included. Here is what we mean by equity and inclusion.

Facilitator Tip

It is important not to use equity and inclusion interchangeably. Equity includes access, diversity, and inclusion. Later in the week there will be more opportunity to dig into access and diversity.

The facilitator uses slides to highlight the definitions of equity.

  • Equity: CS classrooms are accessible and inclusive for all learners, and ensure that all learners have the opportunity to succeed in those classrooms
  • Inclusion: creating learning environments as well as using curricula and resources that are accessible,welcoming, and reflective of all students’ identities, backgrounds, differences, and perspectives.


Yesterday we talked about identity. Students have identity markers that may impact the way they engage with CS and have the potential to impact a student’s feelings of inclusion in your CS class. Today we will be thinking about how we can support inclusion in our classrooms.

Engagement Activity (2 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

This is just a suggested strategy for gauging participants' engagement levels. There are many different types, and you should feel welcome to customize it as you see fit

Facilitator Tip

In Google Slides, find the emojis in Insert > Special Characters > and then change Symbol in the drop-down menu to Emoji.

(2 minutes) Emoji Check-In

Take a quick temperature of the “room” with an emoji check-in activity.

  • Explain that you want to do a quick check-in to see how participants are feeling after the first module and as you prepare to kick off Module 2.
  • Using a shared Google Slide, ask all participants to pick an emoji that best describes how they are feeling about the CSD curriculum and CS content right now.
  • Ask for the why behind any unusual or unclear choices. Be sure to also ask those who are clearly feeling good or confident why they feel that way so you have examples of both positive and negative emotions.