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Session 10: Tools and Instructional Strategies

25 Minutes



In this session, participants will dig deeper into the teaching and learning strategies for journaling and discussion. The goal is for participants to get ideas for how they might incorporate these strategies into their classroom routines.


  • Participants have brainstormed ideas for incorporating journaling and discussion into their classroom routines and procedures

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup

  • Full Cohort
  • Table Groups (2-3)

Facilitator Supplies

Teacher Materials


Journaling and Discussions (22 Minutes)

Check-In Poll (3 Minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Journaling and Discussions (22 Minutes)

(1 minute) Context Setting


In reviewing the lesson plans previously, you likely noticed that journaling plays a big role in CS Discoveries lessons. Now that we have experienced journaling as students, let’s dig a little deeper into this teaching and learning strategy.

Producer Tip

Be prepared to split participants into table groups of 2.

(3 minutes) Teaching and Learning Strategy

Participants turn to page 36 in their Curriculum Guide to read about journaling.

(13 minutes) Partner Discussion

Discussion Goal

There is no right or wrong answer here. The goal is for participants to get ideas from their peers of ways to incorporate journaling into their classroom. Like many teaching and learning practices, journaling works best when it is implemented as a routine from the start of the class. This will require teachers to think about how they might implement the strategy before they start teaching the class.

Introduce the prompts and split participants into groups. Participants will create a group slide on journaling and discussion.


  1. What type of journal will your students use? What will you have students include in their journals? What role will the journal play in student learning?
  2. How can discussion help your students learn? How can you modify this strategy when you are short on time?

(5 minutes) Group Discussion

Share and discuss the participants' shared slides.

Check-In Poll (3 Minutes)

Producer Tip

Enable polling and create a single choice or multiple choice anonymous poll for participants. Prepare to launch the poll.

(3 minutes) Poll

Check in with participants to make sure everyone’s still “with you.” Use the polling feature and your perception of how the workshop is going so far to create specific poll content. The following are examples to give you ideas:

Assessment Opportunity

Launch the poll and and click End Poll and Share Results once you have 100% participation.

Example 1: How are you feeling about the CSD curriculum we’ve been exploring? (single choice)

  • I understand the resources available.
  • I understand the expectations.
  • I can envision what this would look like in my classroom.
  • Help!

Example 2: Do you feel like you are getting a good sense of student needs with CS content from model lessons? (single choice)

  • Yes
  • No

Example 3: How would you rate the difficulty of managing the tech required to participate in this virtual workshop? (single choice)

  • Easy
  • Moderately challenging
  • Very challenging
  • Help!