Day 1Day 2

Session 11: Wrap Up

14 minutes

facilitator presentation


Facilitators engage in a structured discussion to support participants in talking through the alternatives to teaching Unit 6 to help participants arrive at their own conclusion. This is a time for facilitators to answer questions and address specific needs of the participants in the room. The goal in answering questions is to connect participants with resources that they can use to make decisions regarding Unit 6. workshop survey prior to departing.


  • Participants use a discussion-based strategy for deeply thinking about suggested alternatives to teaching Unit 6 as they arrive at their own conclusions.
  • Participants work on developing the skills necessary to continue to build their CS content and pedagogical knowledge outside of the walls of the workshop through avenues like the forum, the community’s shared resources, online courses, peer collaboration,
  • Participants reflect and provide workshop feedback

Supplies & Prep

Workshop Modality:

  • Whole Group
  • Breakout Rooms

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Supplies:

  • Computer with webcam
  • Video conferencing software


Clear Question Parking Lot (6 minutes)

Closing Remarks & Survey (8 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Clear Question Parking Lot (6 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

When answering questions, try to also connect participants with resources that they can use beyond the workshop (forum, group notes doc, lesson plans, Help & Tips, etc.). If participants have questions about purchasing Circuit Playgrounds for their classroom, you can refer them to the Circuit Playground Information page.

The facilitator goes through the questions in the parking lot and provides closure by either responding, pointing to where the answer is, or letting participants know another way to work on getting the answer.

Closing Remarks & Survey (8 minutes)

(1 minute) Closing Remarks

(Include personal closing remarks to celebrate the end of this year’s virtual CS Discoveries workshops. For example, “Thank you for your commitment to attending and participating in the virtual workshops given all of the challenges we are facing this year.” )

  • Consider using one of the suggested celebratory images on the designated slide or:
    • Add an image of your choice
    • Invite participants to add images of their choice to celebrate completing the workshops

(5 minutes) Module 8 Survey

If you are facilitating one module today:

  • Show the slide at the end of the deck that includes the appropriate link based on your virtual workshop model.
  • Make sure all the teachers in your workshop take the survey before they leave.
  • During the closing session of the even-numbered modules (M2, M4, M6, M8) CLOSE THE WORKSHOP.
  • If you are only facilitating an odd-numbered module today (M1, M3, M5,or M7) DO NOT CLOSE THE WORKSHOP.

If you are facilitating two modules today:

  • During the closing session of the second module (M2, M4, M6, M8), show the slide at the end of the deck that includes the appropriate link based on your virtual workshop model.
  • Make sure all the teachers in your workshop take the survey before they leave.
  • On the online workshop dashboard find your workshop and CLOSE THE WORKSHOP.

Having trouble with the survey?

If your participants get an error message when you share the survey link, please follow these steps:

  • Don’t worry! This is likely an issue with how the workshop was scheduled in the dashboard.
  • Ask your participants to take a few minutes to share their "gots and needs" on post-it notes. This will allow you to receive quick feedback to inform your post-workshop debrief.
  • Let participants know the survey will be coming via email within a few days, and send participants home for the day.
  • Contact your Regional Partner to let them know the survey link didn’t work, and ask the Regional Partner to follow-up with on the next business day.
  • will work with Regional Partner to send the survey link to teachers.