Lesson 9: About Me with Sprite Lab


By creating an interactive poster with SpriteLab, students will apply their understanding of sharing personal and private information on the web.


This lesson is meant to make the previous lesson on personal and private information personally relevant for students. With SAFE (personal) and UNSAFE (private) examples in mind, students practice safe self-expression on the web, using SpriteLab to fashion their own sprite costumes and generate text.


Warm Up (10 min)

Main Activity (30 min)

Wrap Up (15 min)

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Students will be able to:

  • Choose what information about themselves is safe to share online.
  • Create an interactive computer program that expresses who they are with text and custom images.


  • Play through the puzzles to find and potential problem areas for your class.
  • Consider making an example project yourself to share with the class.
  • Make sure every student has a journal.


Heads Up! Please make a copy of any documents you plan to share with students.

For the Teachers

Introduced Code


Report a Bug

Teaching Guide

Warm Up (10 min)


Today students will apply what they've learned about personal and private information to design an interactive poster about themselves with SpriteLab.

Review of "Personal and Private Information"

Remind students of information that is safe to share online and information that is strictly private.

SAFE - Personal Information UNSAFE - Private Information
Your favorite food
Your opinion
(though it shoud be done respectfully)
First name
(with permission)
Mother's maiden name
Social Security number
Your date of birth
Parents' credit card information
Phone number

Discuss other examples of the two categories above.

Main Activity (30 min)

Application - Interactive Poster

Teaching Tip

Before beginning, be sure to review your classroom's policy on appropriate language and behavior. Students will be creating custom text and images for this lesson. This means they should be mindful of concepts covered in the personal and private information lesson, as well as general classroom etiquette. As students work, be sure to verify that their posters do not violate your classroom policies.

Goal: Today, students will be creating their own interactive posters with SpriteLab! They'll begin by working through a few examples centered on "Rikki", a fictional girl who needs their help deciding what information she should share on her poster. Then, after a quick introduction on creating custom sprite costumes, students will be free to create their posters to their liking.

Model: Show students the first two or three levels from today's online puzzles. Demonstrate how the new print block works, along with how they can use the Costumes tab to create and edit costumes. If you have already gone through the entire lesson yourself, you can show them your own finished poster for inspiration!

Transition: Move students to their machines. Encourage students to follow the instructions for each puzzle.

Reminder: Remind the students to only share their work with their close friends or family. For more information watch or show the class Pause and Think Online - Video.

Wrap Up (15 min)


Having students write about what they learned, why it’s useful, and how they feel about it can help solidify any knowledge they obtained today and build a review sheet for them to look to in the future.

Journal Prompts:

  • What was today's lesson about?
  • How do you feel about today's lesson?
  • What else would you like to add to your poster?
  • Free Play
  • 1
  • (click tabs to see student view)
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Student Instructions

"Hello, world! My name is Rikki, and here are some things I'd to share about me!"

Free Play: Rikki is using Sprite Lab to create an interactive poster about herself that she can share on the web.

Rikki has given you permission to check out her poster. You can even edit her code!

Play with Rikki's poster and code for a bit, then click Finish.

  • Mini-project: Interactive Poster
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • (click tabs to see student view)
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Teaching Tip

This lesson contains a mini-project called Interactive Poster. This progression may feel very different from what has come earlier in the course for you as well as your students. These levels have some new characteristics you may want to explore before starting.

  • The code your students write in one level will automatically transfer over to the other levels. This allows them to build gradually and iterate on their ideas as they learn.
  • These levels allow for more open-ended creativity. Empower your students to determine for themselves when they have completed each task. There is no one right answer!
  • Example solutions are available for this step of the progression which can be viewed by opening the teacher panel to the right.

Student Instructions

"Rikki here! I'll help you make a cool poster. First, click the Costumes tab!"

  1. Click the Costumes tab at the top-left of your screen (next to Code).
  2. Edit the starting costume, or add a new one that you like.
  3. Change the sprite's costume to your own in the code below.
  4. Click Run to see your sprite's new look!
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Teaching Tip

This lesson contains a mini-project called Interactive Poster. This progression may feel very different from what has come earlier in the course for you as well as your students. These levels have some new characteristics you may want to explore before starting.

  • The code your students write in one level will automatically transfer over to the other levels. This allows them to build gradually and iterate on their ideas as they learn.
  • These levels allow for more open-ended creativity. Empower your students to determine for themselves when they have completed each task. There is no one right answer!
  • Example solutions are available for this step of the progression which can be viewed by opening the teacher panel to the right.

Student Instructions

"Say something about yourself, and make sure it's SAFE!"

Use the when sprite clicked event block and the print text block (in the World blocks category) to share information about yourself when your sprite is clicked!

Just be sure the information you share is SAFE.

Examples of SAFE vs UNSAFE Information

first name full name
favorite things home address
respectful opinions phone number or email
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Teaching Tip

This lesson contains a mini-project called Interactive Poster. This progression may feel very different from what has come earlier in the course for you as well as your students. These levels have some new characteristics you may want to explore before starting.

  • The code your students write in one level will automatically transfer over to the other levels. This allows them to build gradually and iterate on their ideas as they learn.
  • These levels allow for more open-ended creativity. Empower your students to determine for themselves when they have completed each task. There is no one right answer!
  • Example solutions are available for this step of the progression which can be viewed by opening the teacher panel to the right.

This level will validate a student’s code by checking that the following conditions have been met: * Student must create at least three sprites.

Student Instructions

"Add more sprites to your poster! Don't forget to give them costumes!"

Add at least two other sprites to your poster. Give each sprite a unique costume!

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Teaching Tip

This lesson contains a mini-project called Interactive Poster. This progression may feel very different from what has come earlier in the course for you as well as your students. These levels have some new characteristics you may want to explore before starting.

  • The code your students write in one level will automatically transfer over to the other levels. This allows them to build gradually and iterate on their ideas as they learn.
  • These levels allow for more open-ended creativity. Empower your students to determine for themselves when they have completed each task. There is no one right answer!
  • Example solutions are available for this step of the progression which can be viewed by opening the teacher panel to the right.

Student Instructions

"Tell the world more about yourself through your new sprites!"

Make your other sprites print information when they are clicked. Be sure whatever you share is SAFE!

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Teaching Tip

This lesson contains a mini-project called Interactive Poster. This progression may feel very different from what has come earlier in the course for you as well as your students. These levels have some new characteristics you may want to explore before starting.

  • The code your students write in one level will automatically transfer over to the other levels. This allows them to build gradually and iterate on their ideas as they learn.
  • These levels allow for more open-ended creativity. Empower your students to determine for themselves when they have completed each task. There is no one right answer!
  • Example solutions are available for this step of the progression which can be viewed by opening the teacher panel to the right.

Student Instructions

"Wow! Your poster is almost as cool as mine! Almost. 😉"

Whose world is this?! It's yours!

So keep going! Here are a few ideas to make your poster even better:

  • Add a background! Choose a background that fits your poster.
  • Add behaviors! Make each of your sprites react differently when clicked.
  • Add more events! Use the other blocks in the Events blocks category.

Standards Alignment

View full course alignment

CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017)

IC - Impacts of Computing
  • 1B-IC-21 - Use public domain or creative commons media and refrain from copying or using material created by others without permission.
NI - Networks & the Internet
  • 1B-NI-05 - Discuss real-world cybersecurity problems and how personal information can be protected.

Cross-curricular Opportunities

This list represents opportunities in this lesson to support standards in other content areas.

Common Core English Language Arts Standards

W - Writing
  • 4.W.1 - Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
  • 4.W.2 - Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.