Day 1

Session 2: Previously, on Unit 3

15 Minutes

facilitator presentation


This session is designed to highlight concepts from Unit 3 that will be necessary to engage in the remainder of the day. The session begins with a quick reminder of the concepts introduced in the summer workshop followed by an introduction to the concept of variables. This overview is necessary to ensure participants are ready to engage in the upcoming model lesson.


  • Review concepts from Unit 3 in preparation for the model lesson
  • Participants understand what variables are and how they are used in Game Lab
  • Participants understand how to use the randomNumber() block in Game Lab

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup (using the supplies provided by regional partner):

  • Participants seated in pods

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:


Review of Unit 3 Concepts from Summer Workshop (3 minutes)

Introduction to Variables (10 minutes)

Set Up for Model Lesson (2 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Review of Unit 3 Concepts from Summer Workshop (3 minutes)

  • Show the Unit 3 timeline and highlight the lessons that were covered in the summer workshop
  • Remind teachers of the content in the lessons they have explored so far
    • Lesson 2: Students are introduced to the grid in an unplugged lesson. They practice placing shapes on a 400 by 400 grid.
    • Lesson 3: Students continue to explore the concept of using grids to place shapes as they transition into Game Lab for the first time. They are also introduced to sequencing.
    • Lesson 4: This lesson extends the drawing skills to include width and height and introduces the concept of random number generation. The class learns to draw with versions of ellipse() and rect() that include width and height parameters, and use the background() block to fill the screen with color.

Introduction to Variables (10 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

Show the video from U3L5 Level 2 in Code Studio. (The title in the slide deck is a link to Code Studio.) This will allow you to easily transition to the variable example that you will demo.

(5 minutes) Variables Video

Show the variables video.

(4 minutes) Variables Practice

The group completes Lesson 5 Level 3 together in Code Studio. The facilitator should point out that a variable holds information and can be accessed using a label. Numbers, text, and colors can all go into variables, as well as more complicated data structures that students will see later in the course.

Facilitator Tip

This overview can be a lot of information for a new-to-CS teacher. Let participants know that they will have time after lunch to explore the curriculum.They can return to this lesson and complete the full bubble progression. (This lesson is not specifically called out in the curriculum investigation, but participants can make the choice to return to it if they want to.) Additionally, there will be an opportunity to explore an unplugged lesson involving variables if they would like to explore the concept further. Also show participants that can always refer to the Help & Tips tab within Code Studio if they are unsure of a concept.

Allow participants to explore Lesson 5 Level 4. Remind participants to utilize both the resources in the “Help and Tips” tab and the drop down tips when they need additional help. Wrap up by highlighting the following variable naming rules:

  • Labels can’t have spaces
  • Labels can’t start with numbers
  • Capitalization and spelling must be exactly the same

(1 minute) Random Numbers

Use slides to introduce the randomNumber() block. This block returns a random number in the closed range from min to max. Variables can be assigned a random number.

Set Up for Model Lesson (2 minutes)

(1 minute) Set the Scene


When we return from break we will be engaging in a Model Lesson. This is a role play activity. I (or my co-facilitator) will be acting as the teacher and you all will be acting as learners.

After we are done with this Model Lesson we are going to have a conversation about some of the pedagogy in the model lesson with a focus on the role of the teacher.

(1 minute) Pre-Break Reminders

There is a 10 minute break between this and the next session. Remind teachers how long they have for a break before they head out.