Day 1

CS Discoveries 2021-22 In-Person Workshop 4

Agenda Resources

  • Workshop 4 Goals and Outcomes Overview Document
    The document outlines the overall goals and outcomes for Workshop 4 along with where in the workshop these goals and outcomes are addressed. We recommend you reviewing this document before reading the agenda.

  • Opportunities for Equity
    This resource calls out opportunities for a facilitator to create an equitable workshop environment and ways for teachers to create an equitable classroom environment in while students are working in teams. We recommend reviewing this resource after reviewing the agenda for Workshop 4.

  • Essential Content
    It is important for facilitators to be familiar with all content in Unit 6 before facilitating Workshop 4. This resource identifies specific lessons of focus within Workshop 4. We recommend reading this resource after reading the full agenda. This resource is especially recommended for new facilitators or facilitators that are not teaching Unit 6.

Printing Agendas

There are two ways to get a PDF of the whole detailed agenda. The second one takes a few more steps, but makes a nicer formatted PDF.

  1. PDF of Detailed Agenda
  2. Go to When you get to that page, right click. From the menu that pops up, click print. From there, you should be able to print or save it as a PDF.

For the high level agenda (like one on the right) that is printable and editable, go to:

Google Sheet View of High Level Agenda

  • ~2 months before the end of the school year
  • Should occur before teachers are starting Unit 6
  • Note this is significantly later than the CS Principles Workshop 4 because there is no AP exam to prepare for.


  • Time to share/discuss highlights and concerns from your classroom with other teachers.
  • Reflect on classroom practices and continue to grow and transform teaching practice.
  • Prepare to teach upcoming lessons. Try activities and discuss each type of lessons teachers will see in the upcoming unit (Unit 6).
  • Build the community of teachers locally.
  • Teachers feel comfortable and confident in their ability to work with the Circuit Playground in their classrooms.
  • Teachers understand the prep they need to do in order to successfully run Unit 6 in their classrooms.
  • Teachers have considered the differences in teaching a unit with physical devices and how they might manage some of those challenges.

Prepping for Sessions

Review Past Workshop(s)

Review how things went during your Previous Workshop

  • Review your feedback from teachers in the Workshop Dashboard to see what needs you can address and how you can continue to improve your local workshops.
  • With your co-lead, share feedback about how you can better prepare for the workshop together and run certain sessions. You can also identify other ways you can grow as individuals and a team.
  • Make a plan together for actions you are going to take during this workshop to improve.


Provided By Regional Partner Teachers Should Bring
  • Room set up for table groups of 4-5 teachers
  • Room with reliable wifi
  • Power Strips
  • Projector
  • Speaker System
  • Pens
  • Easel Pads
  • Large 3x4 Post-it Notes
  • Medium 3x3 Post-it Notes
  • Small 1x2 Post-it Notes
  • Sets 8-pack Markers
  • Blue Painter's Tape
  • Set of Circuit Playgrounds(1 board for each pair)
  • Set of Alligator Clips
  • Set of LEDS
  • Printed Curriculum Guide
  • Journal
  • Computers

Connect with your Regional Partner

Prior to the workshop, find time to meet in person or virtually with both facilitators and the Regional Partner to discuss:

Subject Conversation Points
  • Go through the list of necessary supplies together
  • Make a plan for when different supplies will be set up/provided
Online Workshop Dashboard
  • Look at the registration. Are teachers signed up? What do you need to do to make sure all the teachers are registered?
  • Make sure facilitators are added on the workshop so you will be able to take attendance
  • Discuss the set up of the space
    • What does the room look like?
    • What does the table set up look like?
    • Will the space have a projector? Do we need to bring certain type of hook ups?
    • Will the space have a sound system? If not how do you plan to play videos during the week?
    • Is the other course workshop co-located?
  • How do we get into the building?
  • Are there any directions about parking or locating the space?
Workshop Timeframe
  • What time are we scheduled to start with teachers?
  • What time are we scheduled to end with teacher?
  • What time can we come in to prep in the morning?
  • What time can we stay to debrief till in the afternoon?
  • What food will be provided for participants during the workshop?
  • What time will food be set up?
  • Is there a separate room for lunch?
  • Is there any local material to cover during this workshop?
  • How long do you anticipate it taking to cover the material (Check that the time suggested fits within the amount of Local Flex Time for this workshop)?
  • Will someone from your organization be on site for the day of the workshop?
  • If yes, who is the staff member and how should we contact them if needed?
  • If no, who should we contact in case something comes up during the workshop that we need your organizations support with?

Review Materials

On your own, review the following materials so you are familiar with the details of each.

Facilitator Materials Teacher Materials

Make a plan

You should go through every session to make a plan for how you and your co-facilitator will support each other in running the session.

Use the Session Planning Template to guide your planning.

Don't forget to check the pre-survey results to determine what lessons to focus on during the TTL progression. The survey gets sent out to teachers automatically 10 days before the workshop. You can view the results on the Workshop Dashboard.

This workshop does not use TTL; however, it still looks deeply at lessons in the curriculum so take a close look at where your teachers are at and how that will impact your sessions.

Create Materials For Region

First Morning Of Workshop

Room Setup

Using the supplies provided by the Regional Partner, set up the room. In the agenda, we will call this the "Normal Breakout Room Set Up."

  • Tech
    • Reliable guest wifi - check this as early as possible
    • Projector (separate table for projector)
    • Speaker System
  • 8 Teacher Tables (for 32 teachers) with:
    • 4 chairs at each table
    • Table angled toward projector screen
    • Surge protectors in middle of each table
    • 4-5 post-it note pads of different sizes
    • 3-4 Pens
  • Facilitator Table:
    • Located in the back of the room
    • 2-3 chairs at table (need chairs for lead facilitators and apprentices)

Create Posters

  • Posters are set up for participants to add post-its to as they come in
    • Question Parking Lot - For people to put up any questions they have.
    • “Where are we now” - On a piece of chart paper or on the board, create a histogram for teachers to add where they are in the curriculum. Remind teachers to take out their Curriculum Guide as a guide to unit progressions.


If you need to raise concerns before or during the workshop that require immediate attention (Internet, health issues, etc.), you should contact your Regional Partner.

Session 1: Workshop Opener

45 minutes



This session is designed to bring participants together to kick off the workshop, reflect on how things are going in the classroom, and introduce the theme for the day. This is a place to check in on specific lessons that people have already taught, as well as pacing and teaching practices that were modeled or discussed in the previous workshop.

It is common to surface concerns during this session that can be revisited and addressed throughout the workshop.


  • Participants collaborate with one another to share resources and ideas for their classrooms
  • Participants engage in the “think, pair, share” teaching and learning strategy

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Posters up for people to add post-its to as they come in
    • “Where are we now” - On a piece of chart paper or on the board, create a histogram for teachers to note where they are in the curriculum. Remind teachers to take out their Curriculum Guides as a guide to unit progressions.
    • “Question Parking Lot” - For people to post questions they have.
  • Check to make sure you have one Circuit Playground for each pair of participants

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Supplies:

  • Circuit Playground (1 per pair)


Opening Workshop Logistics (5 minutes)

Warm Up and Check In (20 minutes)

Share Out (10 minutes)

Theme Introduction (10 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Opening Workshop Logistics (5 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

Facilitator Tip: Ways to Prepare for this Session:

  • Reflect on teacher needs at the last workshop — what were the most common concerns?
    • How can you check in on those concerns here?
  • Make a plan with your co-facilitator for how you plan to divide up roles during the session.

(0 minutes) As Teachers Walk In

Have a slide up at the front of the room to direct teachers to:

  • Add post-its to "Where are we now" poster
  • Kick off the “Question Parking Lot” chart by asking participants to add in anything they need to talk about
  • Install the Maker App for using Maker Toolkit on your computer (There are special instructions for Chromebook users)

(2 minutes) Attendance

Have everyone complete the attendance for the day

(2 minutes) Workshop Schedule

Display the workshop schedule slide.


Today’s workshop will focus on Unit 6: Physical Computing. In this unit, students will explore the connection between hardware and software using the Circuit Playground and App Lab. In previous workshops, we have done a model lesson in the morning followed by a curriculum investigation in the afternoon. Today, will will spend some dedicated time in the morning to exploring new tools and programs that are used in Unit 6 and discuss equity and inclusion. We will do a model lesson and curriculum investigation in the afternoon.

(1 minute) Review Norms

Remind the group of the norms you set at earlier workshops.

Warm Up and Check In (20 minutes)

Discussion Goal

Jog memories and think concretely about the lessons they’ve done so far and what’s coming soon.

Facilitator Tip

While discussions are happening, one facilitator should circle the room while the other reads over the post-its that teachers posted as they came into the room.

(3 minutes) Personal Reflection

Have teachers reflect on the following questions individually, and be ready to share with someone else. They don't need to answer every question but participants can use these questions to jog their memory.

  • How is it going with the class in general?
    • What has been your biggest challenge in implementing CS Discoveries?
  • How is it going with the topics we discussed at our last workshop?
    • Differentiation: How are you doing with differentiation?
    • Learning in Context: How have you helped students understand the “why” behind their learning?
  • What is on your mind?
    • What concerns or issues do you have about the topics that are coming up soon?
    • What questions do you have, and/or what do you want to talk about today?

(10 minutes) Speed Networking

Have participants “speed network” their responses to the three prompts above, looking for advice or ideas on questions or issues.

  • Speed networking means getting up and talking with someone new about your thoughts. We recommend doing 3 rounds of 3 minutes each, where participants check in with someone new for each round

Facilitator Tip

As teachers share in their groups, the facilitators are circulating to hear teachers' thoughts and are thinking about the topics to discuss in the whole group share out. Likely topics are assessments, facilitating discovery without telling students the “right” answer, learning material along with your students, etc.

Discussion Goal

Bubble up what needs to be addressed by the whole group. Jot down questions or topics on post-its and then hold up for facilitators to collect.

(7 minutes) Share Concerns at Table

Head back to tables and share your concerns and what you learned from others.

As table members catch up and share, facilitators should review the post-it notes and decide what issues folks are having that others in the room can help solve. Other post-it notes that may be appropriate to answer later in the day can be added to the question parking lot.

Share Out (10 minutes)

(10 minutes) Group Discussion

Facilitator Tip

If this session starts to run long, suggest that the remaining questions go on post-it notes to the question parking lot.

Facilitators prime the discussion with topics that have been brought up so far in the day, and put them to the group for everyone to answer. For example, a facilitator might say, “I heard a lot of people talking about ..., what does the group think about this?” The goal is to pull out widely-held questions and to check in with groups on the following:

  • How are things going? Are there any specific needs that need to be addressed before we move on to Unit 6: Physical Computing?
  • How are your students doing working in groups?

Theme Introduction (10 minutes)

(1 minute) Introductory Remarks


So far this year, we have reflected on the “Role of the Teacher”, the “Role of the Student” and “Learning in Context.” Today we will expand our focus on student learning as we discuss and reflect on “Learning through Creation”. In the last workshop we talked a lot about setting the context for learning in order to help students understand the “why” behind what they are learning. When students are “Learning through Creation” their creations become the context for their learning. They are able to build knowledge as they build a product.

Discussion Goal

Although we have not specifically named this practice until now, students have been engaging with “Learning through Creation” throughout the course. The goal of this discussion is for participants to identify an example from the year that could be considered “Learning through Creation.” Answers will vary, but at the root all of examples there should be a clear connection to students building knowledge while building a product such as websites in Unit 2, games in Unit 3, or app prototypes in Unit 4.

(8 minutes) Think, Pair, Share

Prompt: Reflecting back on the year so far, when have students built knowledge while building a product? Think of one specific example that you would like to share.

  • (1 minute) Think: individual reflection
  • (2 minutes) Pair: discuss with a partner
  • (5 minutes) Share: share and discuss with the whole group

(1 minute) Closing Remarks


As we move through the day, we will continue to reflect on this idea of the “Learning through Creation”. Our goal is to leave the day with a clear plan for how we will support “Learning through Creation” in our classrooms.

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes, contact us.

Session 2: Equity Journey

45 minutes



This session provides participants with an opportunity to reflect on the CS Discoveries professional learning equity sessions they engaged with throughout the year, as well as the progress they themselves have made in supporting equity in their CS Discoveries classrooms. This session also supports participants in identifying next steps they want to commit to taking after the workshop as they continue to work towards the equity goal of bringing computer science to all students.


  • Participants will describe the commitment they will continue to pursue in support of equity in CS, and the strategies they will use to support that commitment.
  • Participants will define the support they will need to pursue that commitment.
  • Participants will identify the measurement(s) they will use to track progress toward the commitment.

Supplies & Prep

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Journal
  • Pen


Looking Back (20 minutes)

Going Forward (25 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Looking Back (20 minutes)


During this session, we will reflect on our personal journey towards building equitable and inclusive CS classrooms as well as identify next steps we each want to commit to going forward. Let’s begin by checking in where we are based on our summer commitment in support of equity, as well as using a data inquiry cycle that was introduced in AYW 2.

(7 minutes) Think-Pair-Share

Prompt: Think about the commitment in support of access, diversity or inclusion you made in the summer. Share a struggle and a celebration.

[Begin this activity by sharing your response to the prompt.

For example, “My commitment in support of access, diversity or inclusion was to bring CS to my school. My struggle is that I want to figure out how to recruit students into my class to better represent my school’s demographics. My celebration is that students currently not in my class are showing interest and asking me about CS."]

(1 minute) Think: individual reflection

(2 minutes) Pair: share with a partner

(4 minutes) Share: share and discuss with the whole group. Ask for a few volunteers to share with the whole group.

(10 minutes) Data inquiry cycle


Using a data inquiry cycle as a way to develop a plan to improve access, diversity, and inclusion in your CS classroom was introduced in AYW 2. Consider using the data equity cycle as a way to inform your commitment in support of equity. Let’s identify what is working when using the data inquiry cycle and brainstorm ideas to improve on what may be challenging.

(4 minutes) Participants discuss the prompt in small groups. Circulate the room to identify and share common themes among what is working when using data inquiry cycles with the whole group.


  • What is working well when using a data inquiry cycle in support of access, diversity, and inclusion?

(1 minute) Share with the whole group common themes among what is working when using data inquiry cycles.

(5 minutes) Facilitate a group discussion for participants to respond to the prompts and invite the whole group to brainstorm ideas for addressing what is not working when using data inquiry cycles. Add ideas for addressing what is not working on the designated slide for participants to refer to after the workshop.


  • What is challenging when using a data inquiry cycle in support of access, diversity, and inclusion?
  • How might these challenges be addressed to better use data inquiry cycles in support of access, diversity, and inclusion?

(1 minute) Equity Overview

Provide participants with a high level overview of the equity themes discussed throughout their PL experience. Refer to the slide “Looking Back.”

(2 minutes) Journal

Participants are not asked to share their responses to the prompt. However, share your own response to the prompt with participants using the format of “I used to think_ and now I think__”.

  • For example, “This is my second year facilitating this workshop and I used to only think about recruiting students to my classes and now I also think about my bias and how it affects how I interact with students.”


  • How has your understanding or approach to access, diversity, and inclusion in CS education evolved? I used to I think…

Going Forward (25 minutes)

(12 minutes) Identifying Our Values


This time is an opportunity to also revisit your commitment and anchor it in your values that guide our own thoughts and actions. These values are separate from’s Professional Learning or Curriculum values.

Each of our values have been informed by our own lived experiences. Perhaps you grew up in a community with inaccessible spaces, and now you’re interested in making your classroom accessible to students of all abilities. We bring our identities and experiences with us into the classroom whether we realize it or not.

[Share an example of a personal value that is important to your teaching or facilitation practice and how it manifests. For example, “When I was first starting out with teaching, I had an administrator who led the best professional development sessions because we felt heard and included in discussions. Now, when I facilitate, I try as much as possible to call on a variety of people so that everyone knows that their voice is important.”]


Let’s take a moment to identify our personal values, specifically as they relate to equitable education.

(3 minutes) Introduce the personal values activity:

  • Choose three personal values from the list on the next slide (or perhaps values that aren’t on the list) that most resonate with you and the equitable teaching practices you’re growing as a CS educator.
  • Create three webs with a central bubble to hold these values. Around the central bubble, create bubbles branching out.
  • Within each outside bubble, jot down a word or phrase that would be evidence of this value in your classroom.
    • For example, if you chose gender inclusivity, you might draw a connected bubble that says, “Hang posters with people of all genders represented” or “Challenge stereotypes of what is a “masculine” or “feminine” App Lab project in conversations with students to encourage them to pursue their interests.”

(5 minutes) Participants create their own web in their journals. This time can be used independently or in small groups to help generate ideas.

(4 minutes) Partner Talk:

  • Share with a partner which of your values is most important to you and the evidence of the value in your classroom.
  • Why is this value most important to you?

(3 minutes) Introduce the Task


Now that we’ve identified our own personal values, we can use this as the foundation for a commitment to equity that we want to continue to pursue beyond this workshop. You might already notice this commitment may change and evolve over time as you grow as a CS educator.

Introduce the house metaphor for making a commitment to equity:

  • The foundation of the house is the value that you’d like to base your commitment on.
  • The roof is the commitment that you’ll make. This is a statement that is actionable and can be evaluated using quantitative or qualitative data.
  • The walls are:
    • The support that you’ll need - either resources or other people - to work toward your commitment and
    • The measurements to track progress so that you can be accountable to your commitment


When we talk about measurements, we’re not explicitly talking about test scores. Remember to engage with the data inquiry cycle to help you collect qualitative and quantitative data and evidence to help you track your progress. Tying these measurements back to the value you’ve identified can help you move away from traditional ideas of “measurements”.

Review the example in the slideshow:

Value: Self-awareness

Commitment: I commit to identifying and working against my own unconscious biases in the classroom by questioning my assumptions about who needs help completing coding tasks and keeping track of who gets the most “air time” during discussions.

Facilitator Tip

Additional examples of supports to share with participants:

  • Set a weekly calendar reminder to reflect on your week through the lens of equity and inclusion. Use that time to journal or reflect on your drive home about your progress in implementing the strategy.
  • Consider doing professional reading about equity. This reading could be done on your own, or better yet, with another group of people to be able to discuss and process what you learn.


  • Coworkers to discuss unconscious bias with during planning time
  • Prep time to complete coding levels before each lesson
  • Measurements to Track Progress:
    • Keep a tracker of who is sharing out during class and when, and aim to have all students participate
    • Progress data to target students who need help

(5 minutes) Revisit Commitments

Facilitator Tip

If participants do not feel comfortable sharing their values whole-group with a slide, encourage participants to use their journals instead. Use the example slide as a template.

Participants revisit and revise their commitments in support of equity by choosing a slide from the slide deck and filling it out. Remind participants their revised commitment should be rooted in access, diversity, and inclusion in CS, as well as measurable by qualitative or quantitative data.

(5 minutes) Share Out

Invite participants to share their commitments to equitable CS education with the whole group.

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Session 3: Break

10 minutes



During Break - Tech Install

Teaching Guide

During Break - Tech Install

Setup and Trouble Shooting

As a group, work to get everyone set up so they can plug a board into their computer and connect to Maker App.

The set-up steps can be found at:

Once you have followed the steps and signed in, give each participant a Circuit Playground to test out.

Plug the board in and have participants click the gear in the top bar to make sure their Circuit Playground is plugged in and ready to go.

If everything shows green, they are all set!

Take the circuit playground back until the start of the next session so that you have the ability to set up groups correctly after the break (teachers will be sharing one circuit playground between 2 people).

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes, contact us.

Session 4: Revisiting App Lab

35 minutes

lesson exploration


This session is designed to get participants comfortable with App Lab. Concepts covered in this session should feel familiar to participants as they connect to concepts covered in Units 3 and 4. App Lab is included in Unit 4, however, if participants do not teach Unit 4 they won’t have seen this tool since Workshop 2. This session is intended to ensure all participants have a baseline understanding of App Lab before the model lesson and curriculum investigation later in the day. Level types are also introduced in this session as a seed planting exercise. These level types will be revisited later in the workshop.


  • Participants are familiar with the “Code” tab in App Lab
  • Participants are able to set the properties of UI elements using code
  • Participants are able to compare and contrast multiple ways to take input

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants are seated in pairs
  • Create 4 level definition posters:
    • Predict Level - students are asked to read working code, discuss with a partner, and predict what it will do before running the code themselves
    • Programming Level - students complete targeted tasks that are focused on specific skill building as a way to practice and build a specific skill from a lesson
    • Assessment Level - programming levels that can be used to assess student mastery of the target skills of the lesson.
    • Help & Tips - standalone resources that provide information on particular concepts of programming structures

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Computer
  • Journal
  • Pen


App Lab Warm Up (6 minutes)

Unit 6, Lesson 2 (17 minutes)

Unit 6, Lesson 4 (12 minutes)

Teaching Guide

App Lab Warm Up (6 minutes)

(1 minute) Context Setting


We will start with Unit 6, Lesson 2: Designing Screens with Code, as an introduction and refresher to App Lab. We used App Lab during workshop 2 with Unit 4 to create app prototypes. In Unit 4, we focused most of our time in the Design tab of App Lab. In Unit 6, we will primarily be using the Code tab within App Lab.

(5 minutes) Unit 6, Lesson 2: Warm Up

Facilitator Tip

If most participants don't seem to remember how screens like this one are created in App Lab or haven't done this before, you may need to review:

  • UI Elements
  • IDs
  • Properties
  • Events

Display: Share with participants the warm-up activity for Unit 6, Lesson 2: Designing Screens with Code.

Discussion Goal

The goal of this discussion is to prime participants to think about the properties of various design elements. Reminding people of terms, such as the ID or properties of an element, and how you can use them would be good things to pull out here.

Discuss: How would you describe to somebody else how to recreate this screen? What specific details would they need to know about each design element?

  • (2 minutes) Partner Discussion
  • (3 minutes) Whole Group Share Out

Unit 6, Lesson 2 (17 minutes)

(2 minutes) Unit 6, Lesson 2: Activity

Facilitator Tip

An underlying theme of this workshop is understanding lesson structure and course specific pedagogy. Participants will dig into this sub theme later in the workshop, but this session is an opportunity to model the implementation of various activity levels within a bubble progression as a way to plant a seed for future discussions. Although the facilitator will model a specific implementation strategy for each level, this is nott a model lesson. Participants will still be wearing their teach hats and facilitators will where their facilitator hats. The instructions for moving through this level progression mimic the model lesson along with the recommended implementation for the selected level types.

  • Have everyone navigate to Unit 6 Lesson 2 Level 1 in Code Studio.
    • Voice over the Lesson Overview
      • By reading and changing the content on the screen of an app, the class starts to build apps that only need a single screen. Even with just one screen, these techniques allow for lots of user interaction and functionality.


Unit 6, Lesson 2 includes three level types that students will engage with throughout Unit 6: Predict, Programming, Assessment, as well as the Help & Tips tab. In this session we are engaging in activities while wearing our “teacher hats”. We will revisit these level types again later in the day during the model lesson wearing our “student hats”. We will begin with the Predict Level.

(4 minutes) Predict Level

  • (3 minutes) Have participants navigate and complete the Predict Level - Unit 6, Lesson 2 - Level 1.
    • Participants to read the working code independently
    • Participants discuss the code with a partner and predict what they will do before running the code themselves
    • After running the code, participants discuss as a table to make sense of how the code works
  • (1 minute) Point out the “For Teachers Only” tip under the answer. (For many programming activities in this unit, design mode elements have already been created. One helpful tip for students is that they can hover over any of these elements to see the element’s id.) Demonstrate this hover feature.

(2 minutes) Programming Level

  • The facilitator reads and displays a poster with the definition of a programming level.
    • Programming Level - students complete targeted tasks that are focused on specific skill building as a way to practice and build a specific skill from a lesson
    • Participants complete Level 2 with a partner

(5 minutes) Assessment Level

  • Refer to “Assessment Level” slide to define what an Assessment Level is
    • Assessment Level - programming levels that can be used to assess student mastery of the target skills of the lesson
    • Participants complete Unit 6, Lesson 2 - Level 3 with a partner
  • (1 minute) The facilitator points out to the “Key Concepts” tab and display the mini rubric.
  • (4 minutes) Participants discuss with a partner:
    • Prompt: How do you or could you use these mini rubrics with your students?

(4 minutes) Help & Tips

  • (2 minutes) Help & Tips - resources that provide information on particular concepts of programming structures
  • Participants navigate to the Help & Tips tab at Unit 6, Lesson 2 - Level 4.

  • DO NOT have participants read the entire Help & Tips tab. Instead have the information displayed as you facilitate sense making. Participants can refer to the Help & Tips tab as a resource during the discussion.

  • (2 minutes) Participants discuss with a partner:

    • Prompts:

      • What have we learned so far about designing screens with code?
      • Why might this be useful?
      • Can you think of a time when you might use this type of code?

Unit 6, Lesson 4 (12 minutes)

(7 minutes) Comparing Sample Apps

Display: Facilitator opens up to the levels for Unit 6 Lesson 4 while participants navigate to the same lesson on Code Studio using their own device. For each of the “input samples” (Levels 1 and 2), ask the whole group to look at the code and identify:

  1. Where is the input coming from for Level 1? Level 2? (e.g. keyboard, mouse, etc)
  2. What input value is the program looking for in Level 1? Level 2?
  3. How will the program respond to input for Level 1? Level 2?

(5 minutes) Summarizing Differences Between onEvent and Draw Loop

Prompt: What is the difference between the way that Game Lab and App Lab handle inputs?

  • (2 minutes) Independent Reflection
  • (3 minutes) Whole Group Share out


There are various ways of explaining differences between the way Game Lab and App Lab handle inputs. (Refer to the slide, “Inputs: Game Lab and App Lab”). Game Lab’s draw loop model works sequentially, with each line of code running after the other. The draw loop runs over and over, very quickly in a sequence. Inputs are only checked when that line of code is run. App Lab’s onEvent model is continuously checking for inputs once an event handler is created.

Facilitator Note: Reiterate key differences and help participants get comfortable with them as participants will use events throughout Unit 6.

If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes, contact us.

Session 5: Intro to the Circuit Playground

25 minutes

lesson exploration


This session is intended to familiarize participants with the Circuit Playground and associated tools. The session begins with a board exploration followed by a check to ensure the board is working properly. The session ends with participants programming with the circuit playground to control the LED light.


  • Participants are familiar with the Circuit Playground and associated tools
  • Participants are able to program the LED light on the Circuit Playground

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants are seated in pairs

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Circuit Playground (2 teachers to 1 board)
  • Computer


Overview of Circuit Playground and Maker Toolkit (10 minutes)

Practice using the Circuit Playground (15 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Overview of Circuit Playground and Maker Toolkit (10 minutes)

(5 minutes) Board Inspection


This is the Warm Up from Unit 6 Lesson 3 that we will do to start exploring the Circuit Playground.

Group: Put participants in pairs.

Distribute: Pass out a board and USB cable to each pair of participants. Let participants know that:

  • They should not plug the boards in yet
  • They can use their own board if they brought it
  • These boards belong to the Regional Partner and you will collect them at the end of the day

Ask pairs to spend one minute looking over the board, focusing on the details.

Prompt: What do you think this board does (or could do) and why?

Share: Have groups share their thoughts with the whole group, keeping track of ideas on the board. Push participants to support their ideas with evidence from reviewing the board, but don't worry about ensuring correctness at this point.

(5 minutes) Intro to Unit 6 Tools

Using the slides, go over the tools (Circuit Playground, Maker App, and Maker Toolkit ) used in Unit 6. Direct teachers to to learn more about ordering the Educator Pack for their classrooms, the educator discount, and the recommendation for smaller classrooms to invest in individual kits rather than the full 15 boards.

Section Content
Circuit Playground Inputs
  • Buttons
  • Switch
  • Sensors (Temp, Light, Sound)
  • Buzzer
  • LEDS
  • With extra wires, buttons and lights, you can make even more ways to interact with the Circuit Playground
Maker App
  • The App that allows your computer to connect to the Circuit Playground (Note that the maker app isn’t needed on chromebooks. Chromebooks use the Serial Connector Chrome App in place of the Maker App.)
Maker Toolkit
  • App Lab extension that provides extra toolboxes for programming the Circuit Playground
  • Does the work behind the scenes to connect the board to App Lab
  • Board needs to be plugged into the computer to run the program (you can't load a program on the board and then unplug it)

Practice using the Circuit Playground (15 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

Teachers should already have installed the Maker App on their computers during break. If they haven't, you will need to take time now to do it. Participants will be working in pairs, so it is only necessary for half of the participants to have the program installed on their computers. If not socially distanced, participants will be working in pairs, so it is only necessary for half of the participants to have the program installed on their computers. If someone has difficulty installing the program, pair them with someone who has it working on their computer. However, remember to check in with them later in the day to make sure everyone leaves the workshop with the App working.

(3 minutes) Check the Board


We are going to write our first program with the Circuit Playground! We will start with the red LED on the board.

Group: Put teachers in pairs so they are using only one computer and one board.

Have every group plug in their board and click on the the gear at the top of Maker App (Installation instructions can be found at ). They should get all green checks if everything is plugged in and set up correctly.

(12 minutes) Circuit Playground Programming

Facilitator Tip

If teachers want to make sure they have the code they create with their partner on both accounts, you may want to suggest that they use the pair programming feature.

Once participants have set up their boards, they should:

  1. Log into one of their accounts.
  2. Navigate to Unit 6 Lesson 3 Level 3.
  3. Complete Levels 4 to 6.

Some pairs may make it farther than Level 6 if they get their computer and board set up quickly. That is ok!


This morning we have done a very quick introduction to App Lab and the Circuit Playground. Your students will experience a more gradual introduction to these tools with more practice along the way. Now that we have seen how to set up the Circuit Playground and program the red LED, let's take a step back and look at where this introduction fits into the start of Unit 6.

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Session 6: Previously, on Unit 6

20 minutes

facilitator presentation


The session sets the stage for the model lesson by exposing participants to the essential content in lessons 1 through 4. Portions of these lessons were explored in the previous two sessions. This session is an opportunity to put these experiences together in the context of the start of Unit 6.


  • Participants have been exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement Lessons 1 through 4 of Unit 6: Physical Computing.

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants are seated in pods

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:


Unit 6 Introduction (10 minutes)

Problem Solving Process for Programming (9 minutes)

Model Lesson Context Setting (1 minute)

Teaching Guide

Unit 6 Introduction (10 minutes)

(2 minutes) Context Setting


The focus of the first few lessons of Unit 6 is on getting acquainted with the tools available for the unit. One thing to note is that skipping over these lessons with students may result in students not understanding how to use the tools in order to create without scaffolded support later in the unit. Today we went through a sampling of these lessons fairly quickly. When implementing these lessons with students, you can expect to spend more time engaging with these tools.

Display the unit calendar and highlight the lesson activities that were included in the previous two sessions.

So far today we have done the following lesson activities to highlight key aspects of app lab and the circuit playground:

  • Introduction to App Lab:
    • U6L2 - Warm Up: UI Element Refresher
    • U6L2 - Levels 1 - 6: Designing with setProperties()
    • U6L4 - Levels 1 - 2: Comparing Inputs
    • U6L4 - Wrap Up
  • Introduction to Circuit Playground:
    • U6L3 - Warm Up: Board Inspection
    • U6L3 - Levels 2 - 6: Using the LED

Facilitator Tip

This is a high level overview of the content in the first four lessons of Unit 6. It is intended to provide background context for the following model lesson. Mastery is not an expectation here.

(2 minutes) U6L1 - Innovations in Computing

Lesson Overview: Students explore a wide variety of new and innovative computing platforms while expanding their understanding of what a computer can be.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Identify computing innovations within a given field
  • For a given device, articulate the likely inputs and outputs
  • Suggest improvements to help a device better solve a specific problem

(2 minutes) U6L2 - Designing Screens with Code

Lesson Overview: By reading and changing the content on the screen of an app, the class starts to build apps that only need a single screen. Even with just one screen, students can begin to see that these techniques allow for lots of user interaction and functionality.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Set the properties of UI elements using code
  • Respond to user input using an event handler
  • Write programs that change multiple elements on a single screen instead of changing screens

(2 minutes) U6L3 - The Circuit Playground

Lesson Overview: In this lesson, students get to know the Circuit Playground. Using App Lab, they develop programs that use the Circuit Playground for output.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Connect and troubleshoot external devices
  • Turn on and off an LED with code
  • Use code to control a physical device

(2 minutes) U6L4 - Input Unplugged

Lesson Overview: Students experience two different ways that an app can take input from a user, while learning more about the event - driven programming model using App Lab.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Compare and contrast multiple ways to get input from a user
  • Model different methods of taking user input

Problem Solving Process for Programming (9 minutes)

(2 minutes) Problem Solving Process Review

  • Display the Problem Solving Process for Programming.
  • Have participants read the description of the Problem Solving Process for Programming on page 40 of the curriculum guide. (There is an electronic copy of the curriculum guide linked in the shared notes doc.)

(7 minutes) Think - Pair - Share

Prompt: During the “try” phase, what additional bugs do you anticipate students will encounter as they begin to use the Circuit Playground? What support do you have in place in your classroom to help students work through these bugs?

  • (1 minute) Think: individual reflection
  • (2 minutes) Pair: discuss with a partner
  • (4 minutes) Share: share and discuss with the whole group

Model Lesson Context Setting (1 minute)

(1 minute) Set the Scene


When we return from lunch we will be engaging in a model lesson. In the same way we did in previous workshops, we will be focusing on two “hats”. I will be wearing the “teacher hat” and you will be wearing the “learner hat”. After we finish this model lesson, we are going to have a conversation about some of the teaching strategies you experienced in the model lesson with a focus on the “role of the student”. For this lesson you will be working with a partner using pair programming. During break, move to sit with your partner and decide which computer you will use for the lesson.

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If you are interested in licensing materials for commercial purposes, contact us.

Session 8: Model Lesson (U6L5)

40 minutes

lesson exploration


In this lesson, participants will engage in learning content through the lens of a student while the facilitator models specific implementation strategies for a variety of different level types within a level progression. The specific level types modeled include predict, programming, assessment, and map levels.


  • Participants are exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement Lesson 5 of Unit 6
  • Participants learn how to attach an event handler to a hardware input
  • Participants experience the implementation of various level types (predict, programming, assessment, map)
  • Participants engage in the journaling teaching and learning strategy
  • Participants engage in the practice of referencing resources to support learning

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants seated in pairs for pair programming (If possible, try to pair participants with similar ability.)
  • Ensure that all participants are in the same section in Code Studio in order to use the pair programming feature during the lesson

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Computer
  • Journal
  • Pen
  • Circuit Playground (1 per pair)


Warm Up (5 minutes)

Activity (30 minutes)

Wrap Up (5 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Warm Up (5 minutes)

(5 minutes) Board Inspection: Inputs

Ask pairs to spend one minute looking over the board, focusing on potential input devices.

Prompt: Based on what you already know about this board, how do you think you might use it to get input?

Share: Have groups share back their thoughts to the whole group, keeping track of ideas on the chart paper. Push learners to support their ideas with evidence from reviewing the board, but don't worry about ensuring correctness at this point.

Activity (30 minutes)

(12 minutes) Board Events

  • (2 minutes) Have participants navigate to Unit 6 Lesson 5 Level 1 on Code Studio, set up the pair programming feature with a partner, and plug in their Circuit Playground.

  • (2 minutes) Lesson 5, Level 1 - Predict Level: Learners are asked to discuss the provided code with a partner and predict what will happen when the code is run. After running the code, the facilitator asks for a volunteer to explain the code to the group. The explanation should include a description of the function of the code along with the input (left button pressed) and output (light turns on).

Facilitator Tip

While completing levels 3 - 4, participants will only have time to be either the driver or the navigator. When participants continue pair programming later in the lesson they will switch roles at regular intervals.

  • (2 minutes) Learners complete Levels 2 - 3 using pair programming. Learners can continue through the level progression once they complete Level 3.

  • (3 minutes) Once all learners are finished with Level 3, bring the whole group together and ask learners to navigate to Level 4. Once there, they should click on the “Key Concept” tab to view the mini rubric. Have learners switch spots with another group and review the code of their peers using the mini rubric. Learners should provide verbal feedback to their partner group using the mini rubric provided as a guide for the feedback. (Participants can reference the “Help & Tips” tab if they need content support here.)

Facilitator Tip

In Workshop 1, there was discussion about the importance of referencing resources. As we focus on “Learning through Creation” in Workshop 4, it is important for participants to recognize that in order to create something new, there is a certain level of content knowledge and understanding that students will need to develop. It is not necessary for students to memorize all programming conventions, but students should know what they can do with the tools available to them and where to find the support resources to help them bring their idea to life. The purpose of writing in the journal here is to help students articulate their learning in a way that they can use later to create something new.

  • (1 minute) Have learners write one sentence in their journal using their own words about what they have learned about board events.

Facilitator Tip

Map levels are intended to be a reference resource for students or a format for sensemaking after students have completed a learning activity. These levels are NOT intended to be a pre-reading requirement.

  • (2 minutes) Learners navigate to Level 4. Remind learners that this is a resource that they can reference later in the “Help & Tips” tab if they need help remembering how to program board events.
    • Have participants compare their journal response to the content of the "Help & Tips" tab. Have participants discuss the following prompt with their table group.
    • Prompt: After reviewing the information in the "Help & Tips" tab, is there anything in addition to what you have already written in your journal that you would like to remember about board events before moving on?

(18 minutes) Using the Switch and Buzzer

🎤Remarks At this time, you will continue to work through the levels in Lesson 5 using pair programming. When the timer goes off, remember to switch driver and navigator roles. If you need help with a concept, remember to use the “Help & Tips” tab as a resource.

Learner Instructions:

  1. Complete Levels 5 - 6 using pair programming

  2. When you finish Level 6, write a response to the following prompt in your journal

    a. Prompt: Using your own words, describe what you have learned about the toggle switch.

    b. Read the information in the Help & Tips tab at Level 6 and document any additional information you would like to remember in your journal

  3. Complete Levels 7 - 9 using pair programming

  4. When you finish Level 9, write a response to the following prompt in your journal

    a. Prompt: Using your own words, describe the inputs and outputs you have used in this lesson.

    b. Read the information in the Help & Tips tab at Level 9 and document any additional information you would like to remember in your journal

  5. Click on the flag icon and begin working on the Lesson 5 Challenge

Facilitator Tip

The facilitator should be active during this portion of the lesson. A common misconception is that the teacher does not have a role to play when students are working through a bubble progression. This is an opportunity for the facilitator to model the role of the teacher during a programming lesson. This idea of active teacher engagement during a programming lesson should feel familiar to Workshop 1.

Facilitator Instructions: While participants are working through the bubble progression, circulate the room and check in on understanding through probing questions. If participants need help, try to direct them to the appropriate resources before answering the question directly. You might also ask learners to share their journal response with you as a way to check for understanding.

Wrap Up (5 minutes)

(2 minutes) Journal 3 - 2 - 1

  1. What are three types of board events you have seen so far?
  2. Describe two different situations and how they need to be different events.
  3. What is one other event you haven’t learned yet, but you think might exist.

(3 minutes) Share Out

Have participants share out event types that they have learned about so far. Make a list of event types on chart paper and display in the room. As participants share out, ask the group to identify one advantage and one disadvantage for each event type.

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Session 9: Model Lesson Reflection

15 minutes



This session is designed to highlight choices and teaching strategies used in the model lesson. The goal is for participants to reflect on how they might implement similar strategies and techniques in their own classrooms.


  • Participants are exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement Lesson 5 of Unit 6.
  • Participants reflect on implementation challenges faced in the classroom when using Circuit Playgrounds as output devices.
  • Participants identify level types in the model lesson and reflect on how to use them to support student learning.

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants are seated in pods

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Supplies:

  • Journal
  • Pen


Reflect and Discuss (10 minutes)

Learning through Creation (10 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Reflect and Discuss (10 minutes)

(3 minutes) Context Setting


Within a level progression for a given lesson, there are many different types of levels. In the model lesson, we experienced four different types of levels. Each level type has a specific purpose.

(Use the slides to review these level types along with highlight where they were in the model lesson)

Activity Level Types:

  • Predict Levels prompt students to actively engage with working code before coding for themselves. The goal of a predict level is not for students to accurately predict what the code will do, but to actively read it and think about how it works. After students run the code, they can refine their ideas of how the code works. Whole group discussions about the working code replace direct instruction about the concept being introduced.
    • Unit 6: Lesson 5 - Levels 1 and 5
  • Programming Levels give students a chance to practice and build a particular skill from a lesson. These are usually targeted tasks that are focused on specific skill building rather than open ended creation. At the beginning of a lesson, these tasks are highly scaffolded, and this scaffolding falls away as students develop the target skills.
    • Unit 6: Lesson 5 - Levels 2, 4, 6 - 9
  • Assessment Levels are programming levels that teachers can use to assess students’ mastery of the target skills of the lesson. These levels are indicated by a purple bubble containing a check make. They also include mini rubrics.
    • Unit 6: Lesson 5 - Level 3
  • Help & Tips are standalone resources that provide information on particular concepts of programming structures. They can be used as resources or review when students are working, or as a format for individual or group sensemaking after students have completed a learning activity. This information can also be found in the “Help and Tips” tab for students to reference throughout the lesson. These levels are not intended to be used as pre-reading or notes to be memorized by students. Referencing resources is an industry standard practice within the field of computer science.
    • Unit 6: Lesson 5 - Levels 2, 4 - 9

(7 minutes) Think - Pair - Share

Prompt: Select one of the three activity level types or the Help & Tips tab from the model lesson. What did the “teacher” of the model lesson do to support your learning while completing this activity level type? How will you implement this activity level type to support student learning in your classroom?

  • (1 minute) Think: individual reflection
  • (3 minutes) Pair: discuss with a partner
  • (3 minutes) Share: share and discuss with the whole group

Learning through Creation (10 minutes)

(1 minute) Context Setting


Our ability to create can be limited by our knowledge and skills. The beginning lessons in the unit are scaffolded to support knowledge and skill building before students move on to more open ended creation. As students move through the unit, they are building knowledge as they work towards building a product. Making sense of and documenting new knowledge, referencing resources, and learning how to use the available tools are all in support of expanding the student’s ability to create.

(9 minutes) Think - Pair - Share

Discussion Goal

Answers will vary, but some examples include:

  • Journaling
  • Class / small group discussion
  • Using various level types to support student learning

Prompt: How will you support students in transferring new knowledge into a creative product? What specific strategies will use use in your classroom to help students make sense of and document new knowledge?

  • (2 minute) Think: individual reflection
  • (4 minutes) Pair: discuss with a partner
  • (3 minutes) Share: share and discuss with the whole group

Facilitator Note: During the break, prepare for the next session as the room set up calls for participants to be seated in affinity groups.

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Session 10: Break

10 minutes


Facilitator Note

Teaching Guide

Facilitator Note

During the break, prepare for the next session as the room set up calls for participants to be seated in affinity groups.

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Session 11: Curriculum Investigation

70 minutes

lesson exploration


The purpose of this session is for participants to investigate Unit 6 and reflect on how they will implement the lessons with their students. Although it is not possible to cover all unit content in a one day workshop, core concepts are highlighted within this investigation. The overall goal of this session is for participants to reflect on the “Learning through Creation” while also reflecting on the implementation of various activity levels within a level progression.


  • Participants have been exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement selected lessons in Unit 6
  • Participants have been exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement selected lessons in Unit 6
  • Participants reflect on ways to support “Learning through Creation” within their classrooms

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants are seated in pods (you might want to consider creating affinity groups here e.g. grade level groups)

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Computer
  • Pen


Investigation 1 (20 minutes)

Investigation 2 (20 minutes)

Investigation 3 (20 minutes)

Wrap Up (10 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Investigation 1 (20 minutes)

(15 minutes) Investigate Lesson 6


Lesson 6 follows the lesson that was just modeled. In this lesson, students will continue to use their Circuit Playground in conjunction with App Lab, with a new focus on getting and setting properties of different elements on the screen. As you investigate this lesson, notice the different types of activity levels you encounter within a skill building progression.

Investigation Goal: Experiment with taking input with getProperty()

Investigation Task:

  • Complete Levels 1 - 4
  • Continue through the level progression if time allows

(5 minutes) Discussion

After fifteen minutes, participants discuss the prompts with a partner and take notes in their journal to reference after the workshop. After the five minute discussion, participants are encouraged to move on to the next lesson investigation.


  • Assessment Level: How will you use the assessment level with your students?
  • Learning through Creation: What skills will students gain in this lesson that might help them expand their creativity in less scaffolded activities?

Investigation 2 (20 minutes)

(15 minutes) Investigate Lesson 7


You will now investigate the lesson that comes immediately after the lesson you just explored. In this lesson, students will write programs that respond to the environment through circuit playground sensors.

Investigation Goal: Experiment with taking input with analog sensors

Investigation Task:

  • Complete Levels 1 - 4
  • Continue through the level progression if time allows

(5 minutes) Discussion

After fifteen minutes, participants discuss the prompts with a partner and take notes in their journal to reference after the workshop. After the five minute discussion, participants are encouraged to move on to the next lesson investigation.


  • Help & Tips: What is the benefit of having the Help & Tip tab available throughout the lesson as students progress in building skills? How will you use Help & Tips with your students?
  • Learning through Creation: How will students reflect on and document their learning during this lesson?

Investigation 3 (20 minutes)

(15 minutes) Investigate Lesson 9


Lesson 9 is the Chapter 1 project. Students will apply the skills and knowledge they have gained from previous lessons to design and create a game using the Circuit Playground that leverages inputs and outputs.

Investigation Goal: Explore the Unit 6 Chapter 1 project resources and examples

Investigation Task:

(5 minutes) Discussion

After fifteen minutes, participants discuss the prompts with a partner and take notes in their journal to reference after the workshop.


  • Problem Solving Process for Programming: How will you use the Problem Solving Process for Programming to support your students in completing the Chapter 1 project?
  • Learning through Creation: Learning through creation presents an opportunity for students to create solutions to problems. How can you support students in using the Problem Solving Process for Programming to create something that solves a problem for the betterment of the world?

Wrap Up (10 minutes)

(3 minutes) Unit Reflection


At this point, we have done one model lesson and investigated three additional lessons in Unit 6. Now, let’s shift to thinking about the unit as a whole as we continue to dig into the idea of “Learning through Creation.” Reflecting on the prompt.

Prompt: When students have the opportunity to create, there is an additional opportunity for self expression. How will you promote self expression through creation while implementing Unit 6 with your students?

(7 minutes) Share Out

Participants share their ideas with the whole group

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Session 12: Conclusions and Connections

15 minutes

facilitator presentation


This session is intended to provide a high level overview of the second chapter in the Unit 6 curriculum. An emphasis is placed on highlighting the progression within the unit as concepts build toward cumulative projects.


  • Participants have been exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement Unit 6
  • Participants are able to access and use supporting project resources

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants seated in pods

Facilitator Setup:

Teacher Materials:


Unit Overview (5 minutes)

Chapter 2 Project (10 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Unit Overview (5 minutes)

(1 minute) Context setting

  • Have participants turn to page 23 of the Curriculum Guide
  • Display the unit calendar and point out the lessons explored throughout the day.


Today we have focused our curriculum investigation on Chapter 1. Chapter 1 is primarily focused on learning to program with hardware. Chapter 2 builds on this knowledge to focus on building physical prototypes.

(4 minutes) Chapter 2 Overview

Facilitator Instructions:

  • Provide a high level overview to show the overall chapter narrative. Participants should walk away with an understanding that each lesson builds towards the chapter project and that the main focus of the unit is programming with hardware.

Chapter 2 Project (10 minutes)

(3 minutes) Project Overview

  • Display the “Lesson 16 Slide”
  • Briefly go over the project overview

    • Overview: Designing a computing device that combines hardware and software requires a good deal of preparation. Starting with a clear plan can help you stay organized and identify issues ahead of time. A lot of work you do here will make it much easier to keep track of what you need to do once you begin creating your device, both the physical and software components.
  • The facilitator instructs participants navigate to Unit 6, Lesson 16 along with the facilitator (link is located in the slide deck) and shows participants how to find the resources available for this project (peer review doc, rubric, CS practices reflection, project guide, sample marked rubrics, sample peer review)

(7 minutes) Sample Projects

Facilitator Tip

As you share sample projects, you might also push participants to think about the different types of materials used in each sample project in a way that sparks thought into what materials they might have available for students to use for this project. Will students bring these materials to class? Will the school provide the materials?

The facilitator will share examples of student projects with the group. The facilitator may select to either use the examples provided in this agenda or substitute examples from his or her own students.

  • #HackAPumpkin Challenge: Middle school students use circuit playgrounds to create a themed pumpkin. Students design a theme and then code the circuit board to match with lights and sounds. Pie pumpkins are used so the carving is manageable in a block period. Pumpkins are submitted to the #HackAPumpkin challenge on twitter.

  • Circuit Stretch: This project was created by a seventh grade student. The app allows users to create a drawing using the circuit board or arrow keys on a computer. Users are able to reset their picture and start again. It replicates an etch a sketch. It is intended for any who would want to create a simple drawing on a computer.
    • Project Link
    • Note: If you are using the Maker App to demo this project, first use the above link to access this project in the web version of App Lab. Then remix the project. Once the project is remixed in the version on App Lab, you will be able to access the remixed version in your projects in the Maker App provided you are logged into the same account.

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Session 13: Wrap Up

25 minutes



This session begins by wrapping up the “Learning through Creation” theme for the day. There is also time for the facilitators to answer questions and address specific needs of the participants in the room. The goal in answering questions is to connect participants with resources that they can use to extend their learning beyond the workshop.

In addition, time is allotted for participants to complete the workshop survey prior to departing.


  • Participants engage in the “journaling” teaching and learning strategy
  • Participants work on developing the skills necessary to continue to build their CS content and pedagogical knowledge outside of the walls of the workshop through avenues like the forum, the community’s shared resources, online courses, peer collaboration,
  • Participants reflect on the day and provide workshop feedback

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants are seated in pods

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Journal
  • Pen
  • Computer


Theme Wrap Up (8 minutes)

General Wrap Up (17 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Theme Wrap Up (8 minutes)

(3 minutes) Journaling

Prompt: Today we have focused on “Learning through Creation”. What do you envision “Learning through Creation” will look like in your classroom?

  • What will your role be doing this type of learning?
  • What role will students play in this type of learning?
  • How will creation become the context for learning?

(5 minutes) Share Out

Participants share their reflections with the whole group.

General Wrap Up (17 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

When answering questions, try to also connect participants with resources that they can use beyond the workshop (forum, group notes doc, lesson plans, Map Levels, etc.). If participants have questions about purchasing Circuit Playgrounds for their classroom, you can refer them to the Circuit Playground Information page.

(5 minutes) Question Parking Lot Clean Out

Answer any remaining questions in the question parking lot.

(4 minutes) Closing

Closing Activity (2 minutes)

Prompt: What are you looking forward to when teaching CS Discoveries next school year?

  • Have participants do a quick whip around to share out.

  • Wrap up the workshop (2 minutes)

    • What kind of reminders should people have leaving the day?

(8 minutes) Survey

  • Show the slide at the end of the deck that includes the appropriate link based on your in-person workshop model (in-person, 1-day OR in-person, 2-day).
  • Make sure all the teachers in your workshop take the survey for the workshop before they leave.
  • On the online workshop dashboard find your workshop and close the workshop during the closing of an in-person, 1-day OR during the final closing of an in-person, 2-day workshop.

Having trouble with the survey?

If your participants get an error message when you share the survey link, please follow these steps:

  • Don’t worry! This is likely an issue with how the workshop was scheduled in the dashboard.
  • Ask your participants to take a few minutes to share their "gots and needs" in the chat. This will allow you to receive quick feedback to inform your post-workshop debrief.
  • Let participants know the survey will be coming via email within a few days, and send participants "home" for the day.
  • Contact your Regional Partner to let them know the survey link didn’t work, and ask the Regional Partner to follow-up with on the next business day.
  • will work with Regional Partner to send the survey link to teachers.

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Session 14: Debrief

40 minutes

facilitator debrief


Facilitators take time to discuss the day, both good and bad, before processing surveys. Then, take time to make a plan for future workshops using the inputs from teacher feedback. You should try to include your Regional Partner if possible.


  • Reflect on the day/year
  • Make a plan of how to address teachers' needs in the future

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • None

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • None


Reflection (30 minutes)

Make a Plan (10 minutes)

Teaching Guide

Reflection (30 minutes)

(15 minutes) Reflection on the Day/Year

Meet with your co-facilitator(s) to debrief the workshop and year-long program. Have your Regional Partner join if possible.

Use page 27 in your Facilitator Handbook as your guide to check in on the rapport of your participants.

(15 minutes) Review Survey Feedback

  • What are a couple positive things that teachers pointed out in the survey?
  • Are there any key learning objectives that scored low?
  • What could you do to do to help teachers understand them in the future?
  • Are there any concerns brought up on the survey?

Make a Plan (10 minutes)

(10 minutes) Make a Plan

Decide on a couple key takeaways:

  • What new goals do you have for yourself?
  • What new goals do you have in working with your co-facilitator?
  • What do you need to address next time?
  • Do you have any other notes for your co-facilitator and/or Regional Partner?

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