

onRecordEvent(table, callback, includeAll)

Category: Data

Executes the callback function code when a create, update, or delete event occurs (remotely, for any reason) inside the specified table. In other words, onRecordEvent is a way for any and all instances of an app to be notified in real time if any changes to the underlying table are made. The eventType (create, update, delete) is passed to the callback function. By default, the event will only fire if it occurred while the app was running. If includeAll is set to true, however, a create event will also fire for each record that is already in the table.


Example: Update chart Updates chart whenever any record is added, updated, or deleted from the data table. Assumes a table named foodVotes and a chart named votesChart already exists.

// On any kind of change to the data table redraw the chart
onRecordEvent("foodVotes", function(record) {
   drawChartFromRecords("votesChart", "bar", "foodVotes", ["name", "count"]);

Example: Log events Log any kind of event happening to the data table to the console by checking for the eventType. Assumes a table named foodVotes already exists.

onRecordEvent("foodVotes", function(record, eventType) {
  if (eventType == 'create') {
    console.log('A record for the food ' + record.name + ' was created');
  } else if (eventType == 'update') {
    console.log('The record for the food ' + record.name + ' was updated');
  } else if (eventType == 'delete') {
    console.log('The record for the food ' + record.name + ' was deleted');

Example: Include all Set the includeAll optional parameter to true to fire create events for existing records and print out info for records that have already been created. Assumes a table named fav_foods already exists.

textLabel("heading", "Everyone's favorite foods:");
onRecordEvent("fav_foods", function(record, eventType) {
  if (eventType == 'create') {
     write(record.name + "'s favorite food is " + record.food + ".");
}, true);


onRecordEvent(table, function(record, eventType) {
  // code to execute
}, includeAll);


Name Type Required? Description
table string Yes The name of the table to which this event handler applies.
callback function Yes The callback function executed in response to a create, update, or delete event in the specified table.
includeAll boolean No Optional parameter that specifies whether a create event should also fire for each record that is already in the table. Defaults to false.

eventType Description
"create" A record has been added to the specified table.
"update" A record has been updated in the specified table.
"delete" A record has been deleted in the specified table.


No return value, callback function executed.


  • Don’t use multiple onRecordEvent functions to listen to the same table. Otherwise you may hit a race condition and run into unexpected behavior.

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