CS Fundamentals 2018

Course E


Course E

Lesson 1: My Robotic Friends
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 2: Coding with Comments
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 3: Building a Foundation
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

Lesson 4: Debugging with Scrat
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 5: Creating Art with Code
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 6: My Loopy Robotic Friends
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students


Lesson 7: Drawing Shapes with Loops
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 8: Nested Loops in Maze
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 9: Nested Loops with Frozen
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 10: Conditionals with Cards
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 11: Conditionals with the Farmer
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 12: Private and Personal Information
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 13: Build a Star Wars Game
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 14: Songwriting
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 15: Functions in Minecraft
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 16: Functions with Harvester
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 17: Digital Sharing
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

  • Locate the copyright sharing video at Digital Sharing Ethics (Video) - Video
  • Download and review the complete Digital Sharing Lesson Plan from Copyright and Creativity
  • As the teacher, create a piece of art for the lesson (picture, song, slideshow, etc.)
  • You will need a tablet or smart phone to replicate the sharing of that item
Lesson 18: Functions with Artist
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 19: Determine the Concept
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 20: Learning Sprite Lab
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 21: Alien Dance Party
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 22: Pet Giraffe
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 23: Explore Project Ideas
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 27: The Internet
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students

Lesson 28: Crowdsourcing
Resources Prep

For the Teacher

For the Students