Lesson 5: Web Development - Creating Webpages with Khan Academy


In this lesson, students head over to Khan Academy to learn the basics of creating webpages using HTML and CSS.


Warm Up (5 min)

Activity (45 min)

Wrap up (10 min)


Heads Up! Please make a copy of any documents you plan to share with students.

For the Teacher


  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheets; a language used to describe how HTML elements should be styled
  • HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, a language used to create web pages


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Teaching Guide

Warm Up (5 min)

Teaching Tip

Websites vs. Apps: You may find that students don't think that they actually visit websites very frequently, because they use apps instead. If you encounter this, encourage students to consider whether those apps might actually just a streamlined way to visit a website. Facebook, for example, might be used more frequently from an app, but it's actually a website underneath it all.

The Last Website you Visited

Set Up: Have students take out their journal. In their journal have students answer the following prompt.

Prompt: What was the last website you visited? Why did you go to that website?

Discussion Goal

Goal: The goal of having this discussion is to pull out that websites share information and that people go to websites for a particular purpose. You only stay on that website if it fulfills your needs. To frame the discussion, make sure that students are sharing school appropriate examples.

Discuss: Have students share out the last website they visited. Make sure students share why they went to that website and what information they were looking for. In addition you can ask students whether or not the website provided the information they wanted.

Activity (45 min)

To get hands on with writing HTML and some CSS, the building blocks of web development, students will be using Khan Academy's Hour of Code tutorial on Creating Webpages. Encourage students to pair up to work together if they would like. You can either share the Khan Academy URL directly with students, or if students are used to accessing the PwC course on Code.org at this point, they can access the link to the Khan Academy tutorial from there.

Wrap up (10 min)

Career Discussion

Introduce yourself and your career:

  • What do you work, what do you do, and what do you love most about your job?
  • What or who inspired you?
  • How did you get interested in computer science?
  • Did you have a mentor?
  • Share a story about how tech affects everyone

Consider showing the inspirational Resource not found

Ask the students questions and leave time for Q&A.

  • What jobs are they interested in, what are their favorite tech gadgets or apps, and how do they think they are built?
  • Do the students have any questions for you?