< CS Fundamentals Introduction

Day 1

Session 5: Prep Unplugged Lesson

40 minutes

lesson exploration | lesson planning


Introduce dry runs and the materials for planning lessons. Then plan your first unplugged lesson.


  • Know what a dry run entails and what i’m expected to do in presenting my lesson to another group
  • are comfortable with the materials provided for preparing an unplugged lesson
  • Are prepared to dry run an unplugged lesson

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • make sure participants are sitting in grade-banded groups of 4 (look at instructions in break)

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Materials:

  • Curriculum guide
  • Classroom materials (for making posters, slides, etc)
  • Computers


Lesson Assignments (5 minutes)

Set Up and Context (5 minutes)

Planning Time (30 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Lesson Assignments (5 minutes)

Presenting Information | Actively Observing

NOTE for details on how to pair people up for lesson assignments, see the detailed agenda for the “Break and Lesson Assignments” session

(2 minutes) Set Up

If participants haven’t made their way to sitting with their partner at the table you’ve assigned give them time to do that now.

Direct participants to the table in the shared notes, and project that or the room diagram slide (if you had time to fill it in) to help guide folks to the right table

If participants are already at tables re-purpose this time into 2 extra minutes of planning.

(3 min) Get to Know Your Partner

  • Say hello to your new partner
  • Give participants a couple of minutes to chat

Set Up and Context (5 minutes)

Presenting Information

Setting up dry runs


Now that you’ve experienced an unplugged and a plugged lesson, it’s time to prep some lessons yourself. You will plan one unplugged and one plugged lesson with a partner and dry run your plans with another pair of teachers. This means you’ll be testing out your plans for teaching the lesson in a small group of your peers. It is not a role play activity, but it is an opportunity to be a learner. These dry runs are a safe space for you to talk to one another as colleagues and share ideas about what will and won’t work for your students. The focus of the dry run should be sharing and practicing your ideas for delivering the lesson and getting feedback from the pair you’re working with

Goal for the next 30 minutes:

  • Work with your partner to read through your unplugged lessons and make a plan for teaching your lesson to your students.
  • This means you should make posters, slides, or whatever else you would use to teach this lesson with your students
  • Note that you won’t be able to become an expert on your lesson in the next 30 minutes. Try to embrace the role of lead learner here!

What you’ll do later:

  • Take the other teachers at your table through a dry run of 15 minutes of your lesson. Think of this dry run as a space to practice the activity with a friendly audience (in the same way you might practice giving a big speech in front of your friends and family before you deliver it to an audience)
  • This should include using the materials you created and having your table mates do at least some part of the activity from your lesson


Teaching Tip

We are in the process of updating these lesson plans and what’s currently printed in the curriculum guide is out of date. We will be updating the printed materials for the workshop ASAP, at which point this instruction will change and participants will be able to just use the printed materials for this lesson.

  • All Lesson handouts are in the curriculum guide. You should use the lesson plan that’s posted online, which you can access
  • Show how to find courses on code.org by following this nav:
    • Go to code.org
    • Click ‘course catalog’
    • Click on ‘elementary school’
    • Scroll down to the course a-f tiles
    • Click ‘lesson plans’ for the course you are exploring today.
  • Other common classroom supplies, like markers and poster paper are available for you to use as needed
  • If your lesson calls for additional materials, I’ll/We'll be bringing those around the room.

Planning Time (30 minutes)

Actively Observing

(30 minutes) Planning Time

  • Partners work together to prep their unplugged lessons
  • While participants work, move through the room. Anticipate:
    • Supporting participants with navigating the materials
    • Questions about lessons
    • Off topic conversations that need to be redirected
    • Misunderstanding of directions