Day 1

Session 4: Previously, on Unit 5

20 minutes

facilitator presentation


The session sets the stage for the model lesson by exposing participants to the essential content in Lessons 1 through 4. Participants are also given time to explore the pixelation widget on Code Studio.


  • Participants have been exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement Lessons 1 through 4 of Unit 5.

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants seated in pods
  • Create a vocabulary poster including the following words and definitions:
    • Encode - to change how information is represented so that it can be read by a computer
    • Decode - to change how information is represented so it can be read by a person
    • Binary - a way of representing information using only two options
    • Bit - a single piece of binary information
    • ASCII - a popular system for representing text in binary
    • Pixel - a tiny square or dot which contains a single point of color of a larger image

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Supplies


Unit 5 Introduction (10 minutes)

Pixelation Widget (10 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Unit 5 Introduction (10 minutes)

Facilitator Tip

This is a high level overview of the content in the first four lessons of Unit 5. It is intended to provide background context for the following model lesson. Mastery is not an expectation here.

Facilitator Note: As the facilitator provides a high level voice over of the first four lessons of Unit 5, it is important for participants to understand that the focus of Chapter 1 is data representation. Representation systems require a shared set of rules for encoding and decoding information. The same principles used to create an encoding and decoding system using symbols and pictures are used to encode and decode in binary.

(2 minutes) U5L1 - Representation Matters

Lesson Overview: This lesson provides an overview of what data is and how it is used to solve problems. Groups use a data set to make a series of meal recommendations for people with various criteria. Afterwards, groups compare their responses and discuss how the different representations of the meal data affected how the students were able to solve different problems.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Provide examples of how representing data in different ways can affect its ability to solve different problems
  • Choose the best way to represent some information based on how it will be used

(2 minutes) U5L2 - Patterns and Representation

Facilitator Note: Before this session, create a poster with the following vocabulary words and definitions. After introducing these words, hang the poster in the room for participants to refer back to during the model lesson.

  • Encode - to change how information is represented so that it can be read by a computer
  • Decode - to change how information is represented so it can be read by a person
  • Binary - a way of representing information using only two options
  • Bit - a single piece of binary information
  • ASCII - a popular system for representing text in binary

Lesson Overview: This lesson looks closer at what is needed to create a system of representation. Groups create systems that can represent any letter in the alphabet using a single stack of animal cards. They then create messages with their systems and exchange with other groups to ensure the system worked as intended.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Describe the necessary features of a system for representing information
  • Create and use a system for representing information

Facilitator Tip

Vocabulary is introduced in this session because it is used in the model lesson and introduced in lessons that occur before the model lesson. It is important to point out that when working with students, mastering this vocabulary is not the main learning objective. The vocabulary is introduced at the end of the lesson as a way to relate the activity to what we do in computing. For the purpose of this workshop, this vocabulary is introduced in order to prevent participants from feeling caught off guard when the vocabulary is used in the model lesson. Mastery is not the expectation in this session.

Essential Vocabulary:

  • Encode - to change how information is represented so that it can be read by a computer
  • Decode - to change how information is represented so it can be read by a person

(4 minutes) U5L3 - ASCII and Binary Representation

Lesson Overview: In this lesson students learn to use their first binary system for encoding information, the ASCII system for representing letters and other characters. Students practice using the system before encoding their own message using ASCII. It is important to note that memorizing ASCII codes is not the goal of this lesson. The goal is that students understand how to use the system.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Define a binary system as one that uses just two possible states to represent information
  • Use the ASCII system to encode and decode text information in binary

Facilitator Tip

This vocabulary might be intimidating for new to CS teachers. It is important to unpack these words as a group and ensure everyone has a working definition of these terms before moving on. After discussing these words as a whole group, it might be helpful to have participants write a definition for each term using their own words in their journals. This can serve multiple purposes:

  1. Participants can return to this as a reference resource throughout the workshop.
  2. If a participant is struggling during the model lesson, the facilitator can ask to see this definition to potentially identify a misconception.
  3. Participants can return to their definition after the model lesson to see how their understanding of the concepts has grown.

Essential Vocabulary:

  • Binary - a way of representing information using only two options
  • Bit - a single piece of binary information
  • ASCII - a popular system for representing text in binary

(2 minutes) U5L4 - Representing Images

Lesson Overview: In this lesson students learn how computers represent images. The class is introduced to the concept of splitting images into squares or “pixels”, which can be turned on or off individually to make the entire image.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Create and manipulate binary patterns to represent black and white images
  • Describe common features of systems used to represent information in binary


  • Pixel - a tiny square or dot which contains a single point of color of a larger image

Pixelation Widget (10 minutes)

(1 minute) Widget Introduction


Unit 5 uses a variety of widgets. Lesson 4 uses a pixelation widget. Students use this widget to make pixel images using a binary system. Using the widget

(9 minute) Widget Exploration

Participants should navigate to U5L4 in Code Studio

Facilitator Tip

This exploration is an opportunity for the facilitator to ensure that all participants have a basic understanding of binary before moving on to the model lesson. As you circulate, make sure all participants are successful in completing the “X”. If there is large scale confusion, you can bring the whole group together to complete the “X” and then have participants try to complete the smiley face in Bubble 3 in pairs.


  • Toggle between the “Readable format” and “Row format” - observe the difference
  • Complete the “X” shape by typing 0s and 1s.
  • Experiment with changing the image width and height
  • If time permits - continue the bubble progression