Day 1

Session 11: Conclusions and Connections

30 minutes

facilitator presentation


This session is intended to provide a high level overview of the Unit 5 curriculum. An emphasis is placed on highlighting the progression within the unit as concepts build toward cumulative projects. Participants should recognize the primary focus (Chapter 1 - Representing Information; Chapter 2 - Solving Data Problems) of each chapter along with the unifying concepts present throughout the entire unit.

  • Unifying Concept: The importance of data in solving problems
  • Chapter 1 Focus: Representing information
  • Chapter 2 Focus: Solving data problems


  • Participants have been exposed to the essential content knowledge necessary to plan and implement Unit 5
  • Participants are able to access and use supporting project resources
  • Participants understand how Unit 5 is structured to support the development of the student practice of using a structured problem solving process to help address new problems
  • Participants understand how Unit 5 is structured to support the development of the student practice of drawing conclusions based on data and evidence

Supplies & Prep

Room Setup:

  • Participants seated in pods

Facilitator Supplies:

Teacher Supplies


Chapter 1 Progression (15 minutes)

Chapter 2 Progression (15 minutes)

Facilitation Guide

Chapter 1 Progression (15 minutes)


Today we have seen four lessons in Unit 5: Data and Society. Now we are going to look at the unit as a whole with a focus on how concepts build throughout the unit.

Facilitator Note: It might be helpful to have participants follow along in their curriculum guide (pages 14 - 15) during this presentation.

Facilitator Tip

This is a high level overview of Unit 5. It is not expected that teachers will walk away with a full understanding of the entire curriculum for Unit 5. The goal is for teachers to know what they are working towards in the unit and feel comfortable with the overall unit goals.

(4 minutes) Chapter 1 Overview

Facilitator Instructions:

  • Display the “Chapter 1 Progression” slides from the slide deck
  • Provide a brief overview of each of the lessons in Chapter 1. (This is a high level overview intended to show how the overall chapter narrative unfolds. Participants should walk away understanding that each lesson builds towards the chapter project and that the main focus of the chapter is representing data.)
    • L1: Representation Matters - Students get an overview of what data is and how it is used to solve problems.
    • L2: Patterns and Representation - Students create their own system for representing data.
    • L3: ASCII and Binary Representation - Students learn to use their first binary system for information, the ASCII system for representing letters and other characters.
    • L4: Representing Images - Students learn how computers represent images.
    • L5: Representing Numbers - Students learn about the binary number system.
    • L6: Keeping Data Secret - Once the class has developed an understanding of the importance of privacy, students learn about the process of encrypting data.
    • L7: Combing Representations - Students use all three types of binary representation systems (ASCII characters, binary numbers, and images) to decode information in a record.
    • L8: PROJECT - Create a Representation - Students design a structure to represent their perfect day using the binary representation system they’ve learned in this chapter.

(4 minutes) Chapter 1 Project - Create a Representation

  • Display the “Lesson 8 Slide”
  • Briefly go over the project overview and items submitted by students
    • Overview: Representing complex objects or ideas that you care about to a computer is a challenging task. It requires you to understand how computers represent information and will always involve trade offs. For this project you will design a binary system for representing your perfect day. The challenge will be finding a class-wide system to capture all the different elements you care about.
    • You Will:
      • Write a short description of your perfect day
      • Identify key elements that could be represented by a computer
      • Collaborate with classmates to design a class-wide representation system
      • Represent your perfect day in that system on a punch card
      • Decode a classmate’s perfect day punch card
    • Students will Submit:
      • The completed Project Guide
      • Your filled-in punch card
      • Your classmates’ decoded punch card and feedback
  • Navigate to Code Studio (link is located in the slide deck) and show participants how to find the resources available for this project (rubric, CS practices reflection, project guide, sample marked rubrics, project exemplar)

Facilitator Tip

Participants will likely have questions related to the project. The facilitator should be familiar enough with the project to answer questions and offer support as needed.

(7 minutes) Explore Project Resources

Allow participants time to explore the project resources.

Chapter 2 Progression (15 minutes)

(4 minutes) Chapter 2 Overview

Facilitator Instructions:

  • Display the “Chapter 2 Progression” slide from the slide deck
  • Provide a brief overview of each of the lessons in chapter 2. (This is a high level overview intended to show how the overall chapter narrative. Participants should walk away understanding that each lesson builds towards the chapter project and that the main focus of the unit is using data to solve problems.)
    • L9: Problem Solving and Data - Students use problem solving process from earlier in the course to solve a data problem.
    • L10: Problem Solving with Big Data - Students look at how data is collected and used by organizations to solve problems in the real world.
    • L11: Structuring Data - Students go further into the collection and interpretation of data, including cleaning and visualizing data.
    • L12: Making Decisions with Data - Students get practice making decisions with data based on some problems designed to be familiar to middle school students.
    • L13: Interpreting Data - Students are introduced to cross tabulation, which allows them to graph relationships to different preferences.
    • L14: Automating Data - Students are given the task of creating an algorithm that could suggest a vacation spot.

(4 minutes) Chapter 2 Project - Make a Recommendation

  • Display the “Lesson 15 Slide”
  • Briefly go over the project overview and items submitted by students
    • Overview: In this unit you’ve seen how data can be used to solve all kinds of problems. Now it’s your turn to use data to help someone. In this project, you will use data to make a recommendation to a classmate.
    • You Will:
      • Work with a partner
      • Define a problem that could be addressed by a recommendation
      • Identify the data you need and create a survey to collect it
      • Interpret the data to find relationships between survey answers
      • Create an algorithm to make a prediction based on data
      • Test your algorithm
      • Present your work to your classmates
    • Students will Submit:
      • Completed Project Guide (this document)
      • Completed Peer Review
      • Any materials used to present your work
  • Navigate to Code Studio (link is located in the slide deck) and show participants how to find the resources available for this project (peer review doc, rubric, CS practices reflection, project guide, sample marked rubrics, project exemplar)

(7 minutes) Explore Project Resources

Allow participants time to explore the project resources. As they explore, remind them to think about how the Problem Solving Process for Data might be used to support student learning in this Chapter.