

Lesson plans for online (plugged) Hour of Code activities.

Lesson 1: 생애 최초 컴퓨터 프로그램을 직접 만들어 보세요

  • 평가 (2 분)
  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • Extended Learning
  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)
  • Differentiation Suggestions

In this lesson, learners of all ages get an introductory experience with coding and computer science in a safe, supportive environment. This lesson has been designed for young learners, ages 4-10, but can be adapted for older learners using the differentiation suggestions provided.

Lesson 2: 댄스 파티

  • 평가 (2 분)
  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)
  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • Extended Learning

이 수업에서 모든 연령층의 학습자들은 안전하고 도움을 받을 수 있는 환경에서 코딩과 컴퓨터 공학 입문을 체험하게 됩니다. 이 수업은 모든 연령층의 학습자를 위해 고안되었으나 읽기 능력이 필요합니다. 이 활동에서 사용하는 도구는 음악에 반응하므로 소리가 필요합니다.

Lesson 3: 플래피 게임 만들기

  • 평가 (2 분)
  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)
  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • Extended Learning

In this lesson, learners get an introductory experience with computer science and create a game using basic block code.This lesson has been designed for learners in the middle grades, ages 10-16, but can be adapted for younger or older learners using the differentiation suggestions provided.

Lesson 4: 플레이랩

  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • 평가 (2 분)
  • Extended Learning
  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)

In this lesson, learners get an introductory experience with computer science and create a game using basic block code.This lesson has been designed for learners in the middle grades, ages 10-16, but can be adapted for younger or older learners using the differentiation suggestions provided.

Lesson 5: 스타워즈: 코드로 은하계 건설하기

  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)
  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • Extended Learning
  • 평가 (2 분)

In this lesson, learners of all ages get an introductory experience with coding and computer science in a safe, supportive environment. This lesson has two versions.

Lesson 6: MINECRAFT 아워 오브 코드

  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)
  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 평가 (2 분)
  • Extended Learning

In this lesson, learners of all ages get an introductory experience with coding and computer science in a safe, supportive environment. This lesson works well for any students old enough to read (ages 6+). Younger learners will probably not finish the tutorial, but will have lots of fun working through the puzzles for an hour. High school students will mostly finish the tutorial and have some time to play on the free play level at the end.

Lesson 7: 바다를 위한 AI

  • 워밍업
  • Activity
  • 마무리

Tutorial Summary: This tutorial is designed to quickly introduce the App Lab programming environment as a powerful tool for building and sharing apps. The tutorial itself teaches students to create and control buttons, text, images, sounds, and screens in JavaScript using either blocks or text. At the end of the tutorial students are given time to either extend a project they started building into a "Choose Your Own Adventure", "Greeting Card", or "Personality Quiz" app. They can also continue on to build more projects featured on the code.org/applab page.

Lesson 8: 댄스 파티

  • 시작하기(5분)
  • 활동 (30-45 분)
  • 랩 최대 (5 분)
  • 입소문을 내주세요
  • 평가 (2 분)

이 수업에서 모든 연령층의 학습자들은 안전하고 도움을 받을 수 있는 환경에서 코딩과 컴퓨터 공학 입문을 체험하게 됩니다. 이 수업은 모든 연령층의 학습자를 위해 고안되었으나 읽기 능력이 필요합니다. 이 활동에서 사용하는 도구는 음악에 반응하므로 소리가 필요합니다.

Teacher Links:

Lesson 9: 바다를 위한 AI

  • 워밍업
  • Activity
  • Extended Learning
  • 마무리
  • Digging into the Information View

Tutorial Summary: First students classify objects as either "fish" or "not fish" to attempt to remove trash from the ocean. Then, students will need to expand their training data set to include other sea creatures that belong in the water. In the second part of the activity, students will choose their own labels to apply to images of randomly generated fish. This training data is used for a machine learning model that should then be able to label new images on its own.

Students Links: Video | Video | Video