Category: Canvas
Clears all data on the active canvas.
Just like you can delete all the data in a document, App Lab provides a way to clear the active canvas. Clearing a canvas is typically done after some event, so that whatever was drawn has a chance to be seen before it is erased. Examples below will make use of setTimeout and onEvent to more clearly demonstrate clearCanvas.
// Draw a square and then erase it immediately. Use the slider in the Debug Console to slow down App Lab so you can see it. createCanvas("canvas1"); setStrokeWidth(10); rect(120, 200, 80, 80); clearCanvas();
Example: Time Out Draw a square and then erase it in three seconds using setTimeout.
// Draw a square and then erase it in three seconds using setTimeout. createCanvas("canvas1"); setStrokeWidth(10); rect(120, 200, 80, 80); setTimeout(function() { clearCanvas(); }, 3000);
Example: Change the Smile Draw a new mouth where you click.
// Draw a new mouth where you click. textLabel("instruction", "Click on the mouth to draw a new mouth where you click."); createCanvas("face"); setFillColor("yellow"); circle(160, 240, 100); setFillColor("black"); circle(125, 215, 20); circle(195, 215, 20); setFillColor("white"); createCanvas("mouth", 120, 50); setActiveCanvas("mouth"); setPosition("mouth", 100, 260); setStrokeWidth(15); circle(60, -15, 50); onEvent("mouth", "click", function(click) { setActiveCanvas("mouth"); clearCanvas(); circle(click.offsetX, click.offsetY, 25); });
clearCanvas() does not take any parameters.
No return value. Alters the display only.
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